Reputation: 4208
Hi i have a function that should return a generic value option and it looks like:
let HandleHeaderConfirmation (client : TcpClient) (message : BaseFrame) (responseId : uint32, frameId: uint32) (isAcknowledgment : bool): Async<(Option<'TCommand> * TcpClient)> =
match isAcknowledgment with
| false ->
let reason : NackRejectionReason = NackRejectionReason.InvalidCrc
let nack : NackCommand = Confirmations.BuildNackResponse reason message (responseId, frameId)
_logger.Info(sprintf "Sending header(CRC8) NACK reason %s" ((NackRejectionReason.InvalidCrc).ToString()))
_logger.Info(sprintf "Invalid header CRC8: %o raw header data %A" message.HeaderCrc message.RawHeaderData)
return (Some nack, client)
| _ ->
_logger.Info(sprintf "Correct header(CRC8) message accepted")
let ack : AckCommand = new AckCommand(responseId)
return (Some ack, client)
And for more details Nack and Ack Commands inherits from BaseResponseCommand and that inherits from base frame.
My problem is F# defines 'TCommand as NackCommand only and if I change this to
Async<(Option<BaseFrame> * TcpClient)>
It expects base frame not Nack or Ack Command. So is such a thing possible??
Upvotes: 1
Views: 66
Reputation: 11372
You need to upcast your values to BaseFrame
when passing them to Some
where you need to have an option<BaseFrame>
return (Some (nack :> BaseFrame), client)
Upvotes: 2