Reputation: 37
such an honor to drop my first question in this community! I'm working on a recipe app where I use Redux to manage states. I'm using async storage to store changes locally. I'm a bit stuck now because my store only applies and stores a few changes instead of the whole recipe.
This is how the data of a recipe looks like (sorry for my Dutch):
cardId: 2,
time: "5 minutes",
title: "Wortel-Kokossoep met Dadelroom",
category: "ontbijt",
image: require("./assets/wortel-kokossoep.jpg"),
subtitle: "Gezonde en makkelijke soep!",
caption: "Wortel-Kokossoep met Dadelroom",
"Begin de dag gezond met deze smoothie dat rijk is aan vitamines.",
stepOne: "Stap 1: Voeg alles toe aan de NutriBullet of blender.",
"Stap 2: Blend twee keer gedurende ongeveer 5 tot 10 seconden en je bent klaar!",
stepThree: "",
stepFour: "",
stepFive: "",
stepSix: "",
stepSeven: "",
stepEight: "",
favorite: false
and this is how I implemented Redux in the app.js. Please forgive me for posting the whole code. I'm still a noob, eager to learn everything about Redux and react.
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
//const recipie = state.recipies.find(r => (r.cardId =;
const recipieIndex = state.recipies.findIndex(
r => r.cardId ===
const currentValue = state.recipies[recipieIndex].favorite;
state.recipies[recipieIndex].favorite = !currentValue;
state.recipies = [...state.recipies];
saveRecipes(state.recipies); // save to local storage
return { ...state };
if (action.recipies) {
state.recipies = [...JSON.parse(action.recipies)]; // JSON parse to convert string back to list
console.log("set recipies");
return { ...state };
case "OPEN_MENU":
return { action: "openMenu" };
case "CLOSE_MENU":
return { action: "closeMenu" };
return state;
const saveRecipes = async recipies => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem("@VV:Recipes", JSON.stringify(recipies)); // JSON stringify to convert list to string (for storage)
} catch (error) {
// error saving, and that is fine =)
console.log("could not save recipes");
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState);
store.subscribe(() => {
console.log("store changed", store.getState().recipies);
const App = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<AppNavigator />
export default App;
I really hope some of you can help me out! Thanks in advance!
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Views: 132
Reputation: 15698
There's a couple of things going wrong in your reducer, but the big thing is doing state-mutations. You want to avoid logic like:
state.recipies[recipieIndex].favorite = !currentValue;
state.recipies = [...state.recipies];
This is against redux principles. You never want to directly change values of the state without first making a copy or clone.
So we will go with creating a shallow-copy of state in your reducer and make updates to that instead:
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
var newState = {...state}
//const recipie = state.recipies.find(r => (r.cardId =;
const recipieIndex = state.recipies.findIndex(
r => r.cardId ===
const currentValue = state.recipies[recipieIndex].favorite;
newState.recipies[recipieIndex].favorite = !currentValue;
saveRecipes(newState.recipies); // save to local storage
return { ...newState };
var newState = [...state]
if (action.recipies) {
newState.recipies = [...JSON.parse(action.recipies)]; // JSON parse to convert string back to list
console.log("set recipies");
return { ...newState };
case "OPEN_MENU":
return { action: "openMenu" };
case "CLOSE_MENU":
return { action: "closeMenu" };
return state;
Alternatively we can handle this succinctly using .map() which creates a copy for us.
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const updatedRecipes = {
recipes: => {
if (recipe.cardId === {
return {
favorite: !recipe.favorite
} else {
return recipe;
return {
var newState = {...state};
if (action.recipies) {
newState.recipies = [...JSON.parse(action.recipies)]; // JSON parse to convert string back to list
return { ...newState };
case "OPEN_MENU":
return { action: "openMenu" };
case "CLOSE_MENU":
return { action: "closeMenu" };
return state;
Upvotes: 1