Reputation: 532
I have the following module that creates subnets on GCP:
Subnet configuration
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnetwork" {
count = "${length(var.subnets)}"
name = "${lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_name")}"
ip_cidr_range = "${lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_ip")}"
region = "${lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_region")}"
private_ip_google_access = "${lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_private_access", "false")}"
enable_flow_logs = "${lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_flow_logs", "false")}"
network = "${}"
project = "${var.project_id}"
secondary_ip_range = "${var.secondary_ranges[lookup(var.subnets[count.index], "subnet_name")]}"
data "google_compute_subnetwork" "created_subnets" {
count = "${length(var.subnets)}"
name = "${element(google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.*.name, count.index)}"
region = "${element(google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.*.region, count.index)}"
project = "${var.project_id}"
My output looks like this:
output "subnets_self_links" {
value = "${google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.*.self_link}"
description = "The self-links of subnets being created"
This output produces a list of subnets.
I need to be able to extract the following by searching for the subnet name. In this case it is "subnet-01":
subnetwork = ""
How can I construct my lookup to search by text?
subnetwork = "${module.test-vpc.subnets_self_links}"
Above returns:
"module.compute-o057qdb2-l30.var.subnetwork: variable subnetwork in module compute-o057qdb2-l30 should be type string, got list"
subnetwork = "${lookup(module.test-vpc.subnets_self_links, "subnet-01, 0")}"
Above returns:
- module.compute-o057qdb2-l30.var.subnetwork: At column 3, line 1: lookup: argument 1 should be type map, got type list in:
${lookup(module.test-vpc.subnets_self_links, "subnet-01, 0")}
subnetwork = "${module.test-vpc.subnets_self_links[0]}"
Above works because there is only one subnet created and I can reference by the list index. I need to be able to search by subnet name. I feel like I should be able to extract the values from "data".
This is the module I am using:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1011
Reputation: 1103
Terraform 0.12 makes this easy:
variable "subnets" {
default = [
name = "subnet-01"
id = 1
name = "subnet-02"
id = 2
output "subnet-one" {
value = [
for subnet in var.subnets: if == "subnet-01"
Prior to HCL 2 this kind of thing is faily cumbersome.
Upvotes: 1