Reputation: 1069
I have an Akka messaging engine that delivers millions of messages during the day, both SMS and Email. I need to introduce a new type of messaging (PushNotification) which consists in having each request consume a REST API (it will also process millions). I believe that consuming a Webservice is a blocking operation, so from what I have read I need to add a separate dispatcher for this new Actor, my questions is, does it necessarily need to be a thread-pool-executor with a fixed-pool-size as mentioned here? (See or is it possible to use a fork-join-executor instead? Also what is the best approach in order not to affect the current 2 types of Messaging ? (SMS and EMAIL) I mean how do I avoid to starve their thread-pool ? Currently EMAIL is using a separate Dispatcher and SMS is using the Default Dispatcher. Instead of creating a new Dispatcher for the Actor with blocking operation (calling WebService) is there any other way ? Like creating a reactive web service ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 459
Reputation: 27421
Using a RESTful API from a web service does not have to be blocking.
An easy way to consume a RESTful API from an actor is to use Akka HTTP Client. This allows you to send an HTTP request and have the result sent back as a message to an actor using the pipeTo
This is a very cut-down example (lightly modified from the sample in the documentation).
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
object RestWorker {
def props(replyTo: ActorRef): Props =
Props(new RestWorker(replyTo))
class RestWorker(replyTo: ActorRef) extends Actor
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher
override def preStart() = {
Http(context.system).singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = ""))
def receive = {
case resp: HttpResponse =>
val response = ??? // Process response
replyTo ! response
self ! PoisonPill
Upvotes: 2