Reputation: 29
I'm actually a beginner in using emu8086 for assembly codes. I want to do the sum of 2 numbers with 2 characters each and later generate it for n characters. I was able to do it with one character, but not with two.
data segment
mess1 db "saisir le premier nombre : $"
mess2 db 0Ah,0Dh, "saisir le second nombre : $" ;0ah, 0dh pour faire le saut de ligne
mess3 db 0Ah,0Dh, "le resultat est : $"
a db ? ; contient le nombre apres conversion
b db ?
res db ?
buffer db 2 dup ('$')
dix db 10
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code, ds: data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
;affichage du 1er message
mov DX, offset mess1 ; lea DX,mess1
call AffichageMess
;saisie du premier nombre
call SaisiNb
;convertion du premier nombre
call ConvertNb
mov a,al
;affichage du 2eme message
mov DX, offset mess2 ; lea DX,mess2
call AffichageMess
;saisie du deuxieme nombre
call SaisiNb
;convertion du deuxieme nombre
call ConvertNb
mov b,al
call Somme
mov DX, offset mess3 ;lea DX,mess3
call AffichageMesRes
fin: mov ah,4ch
int 21h
affichageMess Proc
mov ah,09h
int 21h
affichageMess endp
SaisiNb Proc
xor si,si
xor cx,cx
mov cx,2 ;saisie de chaine numerique de 2caracteres
mov ah,01h
int 21h
mov buffer[si],al ;Mode d'adressage INDEXE RELATIF
inc si
loop Repeat
SaisiNb endp
ConvertNb Proc
xor ax,ax
mov al,buffer[0]
sub al,'0'
mul dix
mov bl,buffer[1]
sub bl,'0'
add al,bl
ConvertNb endp
Somme Proc
mov al,a
add al,b
mov res,al
Somme endp
AffichageMesRes Proc
mov ah,09h
int 21h
call Somme
mov ah,02h
int 21h
AffichageMesRes endp
code ends
end debut
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1009
Reputation: 5775
Your AffichageMesRes
procedure is wrong. First, it calls Somme
again, in spite both numbers have already been added in the main thread debut:
Second, using the DOS function AH=2 WRITE CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT expects the character be loaded in DL, which is not.
The calculated result in res
is an 8bit unsigned binary number. For instance if you entered 12 as le premier nombre and 34 as le second nombre, the result is 12+34=46 which is stored in res
as 0x2E. You need to convert the binary 0x2E into two decadic characters '4' and '6' prior to writing them on console.
Hint: divide 0x2E by dix and use the divident (4) as the first digit and the remainder (6) as the second digit.
Upvotes: 2