Reputation: 145
I have a command that is !attendance channel, where channel is the voice channel you want read. The bot then prints a list of members in that channel in discord.
My question is if there is a way to have a list of channels and have the bot run through every one with only 1 command. For example doing !attendanceall and having the bot give 3 different channels in a list to the !attendance command.
Ive tried making another command and calling the attendance command but it does not work.
@bot.command(pass_context = True)
async def attendanceall(ctx):
voice_list = ['channel1', 'channel2']
for item in voice_list:
# the start of the attendance command if the variables matter
bot.command(pass_context = True)
async def attendance(ctx, channel : str = None, useDiscordID : bool = False):
# the code that creates a list of all members goes here that isnt important
# eventually I tell the bot to send the list of members
await ctx.send(attendancelist)
I want to have a fixed list called voice_list that when using the !attendanceall command pings the !attendance command and runs it for each list item.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5413
Reputation: 61032
It's probably better to separate the logic of whatever you're doing from the commands. So if you had commands to do some operation on a specific channel or all channels that could look something like:
async def do_to_all(ctx):
for channel in ctx.guild.channels:
await do_thing(channel)
async def do_for_channel(ctx, channel: discord.GuildChannel):
await do_thing(channel)
async def do_thing(channel):
Upvotes: 1