Reputation: 36
I'm following some guide to set JCache in Wildfly 14 enviroment using as provider Infinispan.
I followed these steps : - I downloaded the wildfly module version 9.4.14 from Infinispan website - I copied the content of the zip in the module dir of Wildfly - I added to my application the file jboss-deployment-structure.xml - I added the interceptors to the beans.xml file on my application - I add the annotation @CacheResult to a function - I start Wildfly and I get the following error org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type InfinispanExtensionEmbedded with qualifiers @Default at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject private org.infinispan.cdi.embedded.AdvancedCacheProducer.infinispanExtension
I add information that can be useful. The application that I'm deploying on wildfly is an ear ant this is the structure that I'm using :
jboss-deployment-structure.xml :
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2">
<module name="org.infinispan" slot="ispn-9.4" services="export"/>
<module name="org.infinispan.cdi.embedded" slot="ispn-9.4" services="export"/>
<module name="org.infinispan.jcache" slot="ispn-9.4" services="export"/>
beans.xml :
<beans xmlns=""
version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">
With this standard configuration, I expect the interceptor start to defined in the beans.xml start to function, so I can use a default cache container in the application
Upvotes: 1
Views: 681
Reputation: 1
You probably miss javax.enterprise.api dependency in javax.cache.api module
so get annotations didnt return javax.enterprise.util.Nonbinding and weld deployment return no such annotation
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
org.infinispan.cdi.embedded and org.infinispan.jcache modules have SPI extensions inside them (jar/META-INF/services folder). Just add services="export" in module dependencies in jboss-deployment-structure.xml to enable them. Here is mine jboss-deployment-structure.xml:
<module-alias name="deployment.magic-blog" />
<module name="org.infinispan.cdi.embedded" slot="ispn-9.4" export="true" services="export" />
<module name="org.infinispan.jcache" slot="ispn-9.4" export="true" services="export" />
<module name="javax.cache.api" slot="ispn-9.4" export="true"/>
Upvotes: 1