Reputation: 7
I developing qml project in that i want to add functionality of changing background color ..
for that i create one combo box with items {red,blue,white} and create one update button to update color when user select red item and click on update background color change as red so how can i do ??
Button {
id: button1
x: 284
y: 95
width: 114
height: 34
text: qsTr("Update")
contentItem: Text {
font: control.font
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
text: "Update"
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
elide: Text.ElideRight
background: Rectangle {
id: myRectId1
color: Colorchange.Rectange_Color
radius: 8
onHoveredChanged: hovered ? myRectId1.opacity = 1 :
myRectId1.opacity = .80;
MouseArea {
id: mouseAreaScanbtn
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true;
onEntered: { myRectId1.border.width = 2 }
onExited: { myRectId1.border.width = 1 }
onClicked: {
//i want to add some code here to change background color
// i tried
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1898
Reputation: 100
hi just use ComboBox Qml type like this:
ComboBox {
currentIndex: -1
width: 200
model: [ "white", "blue" , "red" ]
or if you want to update the background color after user click the button you should save the color that user selected in a property then use this in onClicked of your button:
Item {
property var SelectedColor
ComboBox {
currentIndex: -1
width: 200
model: [ "white", "blue" , "red" ]
Upvotes: 0