Reputation: 1040
I have date time data table imported from Excel and the date/time column in a number format (i.e., 43596.22). I used the following code to convert the number to a date time format with UTC time zone:
info_dt1$Date_time<-convertToDateTime(info_dt1$date_time, origin = "1900-01-01",tx="UTC")
I am using the forverlaps function from data.table to merge this data table with another data table by date and time. When I first ran the following code:
info_dt3 = foverlaps(info_dt2, info_access3, by.x=c("Date_time", "dummy"), nomatch=NA)[, dummy := NULL]
I got an error message stating the two date time fields had different time zones. The time zone for the other data table was also specified as UTC.
I used the attr function to set both data tables date times columns to UTC:
#make sure all date/times have same time zone
attr(info_access2$Start_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
attr(info_access2$End_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
attr(info_dt1$Date_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
When I do this, the info_dt1 data table time moves forward 4 hours and the resulting merge is off. I would like to know what I am doing incorrect when setting the format and time zone for both data tables for the merge to work correctly.
Some example data and code:
#first data table reduced example
structure(list(date_time = c(NA, 43596.2284722222, 43596.2285069444,
43596.2285416667, 43596.2285763889, 43596.2286111111, 43596.2286458333,
43596.2286805556, 43596.2287152778, 43596.22875), Temp = c(NA,
22.75, 22.66, 22.57, 22.49, 22.37, 22.28, 22.16, 22.08, 21.99
), Depth = c(NA, 0.19, 0.27, 0.7, 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 0.19, 0.19,
0.19), Angle = c(NA, -3, -4, -3, -1, 1, -1, -2, 1, -6)), .Names = c("date_time",
"Temp", "Depth", "Angle"), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")
#convert date time to POSIXct
info_dt1$Date_time<-convertToDateTime(info_dt1$date_time, origin = "1900-01-01",tx="UTC")
#second example data set
structure(list(Tow = 201905001:201905010, Start_time = structure(c(1557554271,
1557564948, 1557569853, 1557573081, 1557577149, 1557582317, 1557586050,
1557588636, 1557590697, 1557593679), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"
), tzone = "UTC"), End_time = structure(c(1557555117, 1557565710,
1557570765, 1557573846, 1557577974, 1557583210, 1557586797, 1557589428,
1557591441, 1557594511), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"),
time_interval = structure(c(846, 762, 912, 765, 825, 893,
747, 792, 744, 832), start = structure(c(1557554271, 1557564948,
1557569853, 1557573081, 1557577149, 1557582317, 1557586050,
1557588636, 1557590697, 1557593679), class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), tzone = "UTC", class = structure("Interval", package = "lubridate"))), .Names = c("Tow",
"Start_time", "End_time", "time_interval"), row.names = c(NA,
10L), class = "data.frame")
#make info_dt2 and info_access2 data.tables
#remove NA from info_dt2
#set dummy column for info_dt2
info_dt2[, dummy := Date_time]
#define setkey for info_access2
setkey(info_access3, Start_time, End_time)
#if I run the code like this I get the error message about different time zones
#use foverlaps to merge info_access3 and info_dt2
info_dt3 = foverlaps(info_dt2, info_access3, by.x=c("Date_time", "dummy"), nomatch=NA)[, dummy := NULL]
#if I run this chunk of code the times in info_dt1 are moved forward 4 hours
#make sure all date/times have same time zone
attr(info_access2$Start_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
attr(info_access2$End_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
attr(info_dt1$Date_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
#make info_dt2 and info_access2 data.tables
#remove NA from info_dt2
#but the foverlaps to merge info_access2 and info_dt2 doesn't give an error message
info_dt3 = foverlaps(info_dt2, info_access3, by.x=c("Date_time", "dummy"), nomatch=NA)[, dummy := NULL]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 182
Reputation: 3736
You can use lubridate::force_tz()
to change a timestamp which had an inaccurate timezone when it was read in:
lubridate::force_tz(Sys.time(), "UTC")
#[1] "2019-06-25 14:04:32 UTC"
This will change the underlying timestamp double whereas merely altering the attribute won't.
Upvotes: 2