I am trying to build a web application fuzzer. It will take a wordlist and a url from the user and will do request to those urls. At the end, It will give output according to their responses' status codes.
I have written some code, it does ~600req/s in local (takes about 8 seconds to finish 4600 lines of wordlist) but since I'm using requests
library I was thinking if there is a faster way to do so.
Only time consuming part as I analyzed is fuzz() and req() functions as they are doing the most job. I have also other functions but those that I've shown must be enough for you to understand (I didn't want to put so much code).
def __init__(self):
self.statusCodes = [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 403]
self.session = requests.Session()
self.headers = {
'User-Agent': 'x',
'Connection': 'Closed'
def req(self, URL):
# request to only one url
r = self.session.head(URL, allow_redirects=False, headers=self.headers, timeout=3)
if r.status_code in self.statusCodes:
if r.status_code == 301:
self.warning("301", URL)
self.success(r.status_code, URL)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
self.error("Connection error")
def fuzz(self):
pool = ThreadPool(self.threads), self.URLList)
#self.threads is number of threads
#self.URLList is a list of full urls
'__init__' ((<MWAF.MWAF instance at 0x7f554cd8dcb0>, 'http://localhost', '/usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt', 25), {}) 0.00362110137939453125 sec
#each req is around this
'req' ((<MWAF.MWAF instance at 0x7f554cd8dcb0>, 'http://localhost/webedit'), {}) 0.00855112075805664062 sec
'fuzz' ((<MWAF.MWAF instance at 0x7f554cd8dcb0>,), {}) 7.39054012298583984375 sec
Whole Program
[*] 7.39426517487
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Views: 157
Reputation: 36106
You may wish to combine multiple processes with multiple threads. As 400 threads in 20 processes outperform 400 threads in 4 processes while performing an I/O-bound task shows, there's an optimal number of threads per process -- the more the higher percentage of time they spend waiting for I/O.
On the higher order of vanishing, you can try reusing prepared requests to save on object creation time. (I'm not sure if that'll have an effect -- requests
might e.g. treat them as immutable so it would create a new object each time anyway. But this may still cut on input validation time or something.)
Upvotes: 2