Reputation: 39
What is the best method when you need interchange the values in two polymorphic elements? (Using standard fortran 2008).
I'm sending an example (please try don't modify the type variables).
The problems that I have using intel compiler v.19 and gfortran 8.1 in windows are different.
Here a complete example. Look at the subroutine where I have defined the swap procedure. Currently is activate the version that works in GFortran but I have error with intel compiler. If you comment this part and uncomment the lines for ifort, then works for intel and not for gfortran....
Program Check
implicit none
!> Type definitions
Type :: Refl_Type
integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: H
integer :: Mult =0
End Type Refl_Type
Type :: RefList_Type
integer :: Nref
class(refl_Type), dimension(:), allocatable :: Reflections
end Type RefList_Type
Type(RefList_Type) :: List
Type(Refl_Type), dimension(3) :: Refl_Ini
!> Variables
integer :: i
!> Init
Refl_Ini(1)%H=[1, 0, 0]; Refl_Ini(1)%Mult=1
Refl_Ini(2)%H=[0, 2, 0]; Refl_Ini(2)%Mult=2
Refl_Ini(3)%H=[0, 0, 3]; Refl_Ini(3)%Mult=3
!> Print Step:1
do i=1, List%Nref
print '(i3,2x,3i4,2x,i3)', i,List%Reflections(i)%H, List%Reflections(i)%Mult
end do
print*,' '
print*,' '
!> Swap
call Swap_Elements_List(List, 1, 3)
!> Print Step:2
do i=1, List%Nref
print '(i3,2x,3i4,2x,i3)', i,List%Reflections(i)%H, List%Reflections(i)%Mult
end do
Subroutine Swap_Elements_List(List, i, j)
!---- Argument ----!
type (RefList_Type), intent(in out) :: List
integer, intent(in) :: i,j
!---- Local Variables ----!
class(Refl_Type), allocatable :: tmp
!> IFort
!> Gfortran
associate(t1 => list%reflections(i), t2 => list%reflections(j), tt => tmp)
end associate
End Subroutine Swap_Elements_List
End Program Check
Any suggestion?
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Views: 961
Reputation: 60113
The answer by roygvib summarizes the problem well. If this assignment is to be performed in user's code where the types are known or are known to be from a small set of possible types, one can just protect the assignment by the select type
The real problem happens in a generic code that is written without the knowledge of the user's derived types. Therefore it may have no access to possible user-defined assignments. I suggest a possible solution using a callback procedure. Basically, the user defines an assignment or swap procedure which is then called by the library code.
subroutine sub_that_needs_assignments(array, assign)
class(*) :: array
subroutne assign(out, in)
end subroutine
end interface
call assign(array(i), array(i+1))
!or you can even assign a new elemnt from somewhere else
! possibly protect by same_type_as()
end subroutine
in the user's code
subroutine assign_my_type(out, in)
class(*), ... :: out
class(*), ... :: in
select type (out)
type is (my_type)
select type (in) ! not always necessary
type is (in)
out = in
end select
end select
!add appropriate error checking
end subroutine
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7395
Compiling the original code with gfortran-8.2 gives
List%reflections(i)=List%reflections(j) !!<---
Error: Nonallocatable variable must not be polymorphic in
intrinsic assignment at (1) - check that there is a
matching specific subroutine for '=' operator
I think this is because List % reflections(i)
is not separately allocatable
(even though List % reflections
itself is allocatable as an array of uniform type). This point seems to be discussed in detail, e.g., in this Q/A page, which suggests two alternative approaches: (A) convince the compiler that all elements will be of the same type; or (B) use an (array) container.
If we use the "container" approach, I think we can use move_alloc() to swap two polymorphic objects (without knowing the dynamic type). For example, a bit modified version of the original code may be
program main
implicit none
type :: Refl_t
integer, allocatable :: H(:)
type, extends(Refl_t) :: ExtRefl_t
real :: foo
type :: RefList_t
class(Refl_t), allocatable :: refl
type(RefList_t) :: list( 3 )
call init()
print *, "Before:"
call output()
call swap( 1, 2 )
print *, "After:"
call output()
subroutine swap( i, j )
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
class(Refl_t), allocatable :: tmp
call move_alloc( from= list( i )% refl, to= tmp )
call move_alloc( from= list( j )% refl, to= list( i )% refl )
call move_alloc( from= tmp, to= list( j )% refl )
subroutine init()
integer i
do i = 1, 3
allocate( ExtRefl_t :: list( i ) % refl )
select type( x => list( i ) % refl )
type is ( ExtRefl_t )
x % H = [ i, i * 10 ]
x % foo = i * 100
subroutine output()
integer i
do i = 1, 3
select type( x => list( i ) % refl )
type is ( ExtRefl_t )
print *, "i = ", i, " : H = ", x % H, " foo = ", x % foo
end program
Result (gfortran-8.2):
i = 1 : H = 1 10 foo = 100.000000
i = 2 : H = 2 20 foo = 200.000000
i = 3 : H = 3 30 foo = 300.000000
i = 1 : H = 2 20 foo = 200.000000
i = 2 : H = 1 10 foo = 100.000000
i = 3 : H = 3 30 foo = 300.000000
I think we could also use polymorphic assignment for the above swap()
routine, for example:
subroutine swap( i, j )
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
class(Refl_t), allocatable :: tmp
tmp = list( i ) % refl
list( i ) % refl = list( j ) % refl
list( j ) % refl = tmp
This compiles with gfortran-8.2, but gives a strange result... (a possible compiler bug?). I guess newer compilers like GCC-9 or Intel Fortran may give an expected result.
On the other hand, if we use a polymorphic array, we may need to use select type
explicitly for swapping the two elements. (But I hope there is a different approach...) The code may then look like:
program main
implicit none
type :: Refl_t
integer, allocatable :: H(:)
type, extends(Refl_t) :: ExtRefl_t
real :: foo
class(Refl_t), allocatable :: refls( : )
allocate( ExtRefl_t :: refls( 3 ) )
call init()
print *, "Before:"
call output()
call swap( 1, 2 )
print *, "After:"
call output()
subroutine swap( i, j )
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
selecttype ( refls )
type is ( ExtRefl_t )
type(ExtRefl_t) :: tmp
tmp = refls( i ) !<-- assignment of concrete type
refls( i ) = refls( j )
refls( j ) = tmp
class default
subroutine init()
integer i
select type( refls )
type is ( ExtRefl_t )
do i = 1, 3
refls( i ) % H = [ i, i * 10 ]
refls( i ) % foo = i * 100
subroutine output()
integer i
select type( refls )
type is ( ExtRefl_t )
do i = 1, 3
print *, "i = ", i, " : H = ", refls( i ) % H, &
" foo = ", refls( i ) % foo
end program
(The result is the same as above.)
Upvotes: 1