Reputation: 485
I have created a grpc server and client after this instruction:
When i try to call the service from the client the client show this error message: "One or more errors occurred. (Status(StatusCode=Unknown, Detail="No status received"))"
And the server this one:
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[1]
Request starting HTTP/2 POST http://STEINI-PC/LocationService/GetLocations application/grpc
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware[0]
Executing endpoint 'gRPC - gRPC - Unimplemented service'
info: Grpc.AspNetCore.Server.Internal.ServerCallHandlerFactory[1]
Service 'LocationService' is unimplemented.
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware[1]
Executed endpoint 'gRPC - gRPC - Unimplemented service'
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
Request finished in 51.812000000000005ms 200 application/grpc
Proto File:
syntax = "proto3";
service EventService {
rpc GetEvents (Empty) returns (Events) {}
rpc GetEvent (Id) returns (Event) {}
rpc GetEventsByLocation (Id) returns (Events) {}
rpc AddEvent (Event) returns (Empty) {}
rpc UpdateEvent (Event) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeleteEvent (Id) returns (Event) {}
service LocationService {
rpc GetLocations (Empty) returns (Locations) {}
rpc GetLocation (Id) returns (Location) {}
rpc AddLocation (Location) returns (Empty) {}
rpc UpdateLocation (Location) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeleteLocation (Id) returns (Location) {}
service ParticipantService {
rpc GetParticipants (Empty) returns (Participants) {}
rpc GetParticipant (Id) returns (Participant) {}
rpc GetParticipantsFromEvent (Id) returns (Participants) {}
rpc AddParticipant (Participant) returns (Empty) {}
rpc UpdateParticipant (Participant) returns (Empty) {}
rpc DeleteParticipant (Id) returns (Participant) {}
message Empty {
message Id {
string id = 1;
message Events{
repeated Event events = 1;
message Locations{
repeated Location locations = 1;
message Participants{
repeated Participant participants = 1;
message Event {
Id eventid = 1;
string name = 2;
string description = 3;
Id locationID = 4;
string date = 5;
message Location {
Id locationID = 1;
string name = 2;
string adress = 3;
message Participant {
Id participantId = 1;
string name = 2;
Id eventId = 3;
Server Startup:
public class Startup
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
// For more information on how to configure your application, visit
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var connectionString = @"Data Source=STEINI-PC;Initial Catalog=thesisSteinmetz;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SA;Password=SA123";
services.AddGrpc(options =>
options.EnableDetailedErrors = true;
services.AddDbContext<DataContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
// Communication with gRPC endpoints must be made through a gRPC client.
// To learn how to create a client, visit:
Location Service:
public class LocationService : LocationServiceBase
private readonly DataContext _context;
private readonly ILocationDataHandler _locationDataHandler;
//public LocationService()
// var connectionString = @"Data Source=STEINI-PC;Initial Catalog=thesisSteinmetz;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SA;Password=SA123";
// var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DataContext>();
// contextOptions.UseSqlServer(connectionString);
// _context = new DataContext(contextOptions.Options);
// _locationDataHandler = new EFCoreLocationDataHandler(_context);
public LocationService(DataContext context)
_context = context;
_locationDataHandler = new EFCoreLocationDataHandler(_context);
public override async Task<Empty> AddLocation(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
await _locationDataHandler.AddAsync(LocationConverter.LocationFromGRPC(request));
return new Empty();
public override async Task<Location> DeleteLocation(Id request, ServerCallContext context)
CommonLibrary.Models.Location location = await GetLocation(request);
await _locationDataHandler.DeleteAsync(location.LocationId);
return LocationConverter.LocationToGRPC(location);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message));
public override async Task<Location> GetLocation(Id request, ServerCallContext context)
return LocationConverter.LocationToGRPC(await GetLocation(request));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message));
public override async Task<Locations> GetLocations(Empty request, ServerCallContext context)
return LocationConverter.LocationsToGrpc(await _locationDataHandler.GetAsync());
public override async Task<Empty> UpdateLocation(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
await _locationDataHandler.UpdateAsync(LocationConverter.LocationFromGRPC(request));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message));
return new Empty();
private async Task<CommonLibrary.Models.Location> GetLocation(Id request)
var location = await _locationDataHandler.GetAsync(IdConverter.IdToGuid(request));
if (location == null)
throw new Exception($"Location with id: {location.LocationId.ToString()} Not Found");
return location;
Upvotes: 11
Views: 29156
Reputation: 1790
Just contributing my own solution for this problem that might be useful for those using code-first grpc in C#.
I had failed to fully convert an existing GRPC service project to adopt code-first GRPC support, specifically my program.cs was missing a call to:
I still had the alternative in my code and so removed the following:
In addition I previously reviewed my code for namespace confusion as suggested in other replies. My grpc service interface definition and service implementation were declared in different namespaces but this does not cause a failure for code-first grpc once correctly initialized with AddCodeFirstGrpc().
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1538
if you are using "package" in the proto, make sure the server-side matches the client-side.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 485
I have found the Problem.
My Problem was different Namespaces of the generated files, which I edited manually.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 171
Go into programs.cs and add your services.
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
app.MapGrpcService<GreeterService>(); // here's a service
app.MapGrpcService<UserAuthService>(); // another service i created
app.MapGrpcService<BusinessService>(); // also another service created
app.MapGet("/", () => "Communication with gRPC endpoints must be made through a gRPC client. To learn how to create a client, visit:");
Upvotes: 17