Reputation: 33
My goal is to reproduce/replicate the functionality of gcloud compute addresses create
without depending on the gcloud binary.
I am trying to use python to authenticate a POST to a googleapis compute endpoint per the documentation at about reserving a static external ip address
But my POST's return 401 every time.
I have created a JWT from google.auth.jwt python module and when I decode it the JWT has all the strings embedded that I would expect to be there.
I've also tried combinations of the following OAuth scopes to be included in the JWT: - "" - "" - ""
this is my function for getting a JWT using the information in my service account's JSON key file
def _generate_jwt( tokenPath, expiry_length=3600 ):
now = int(time.time())
tokenData = load_json_data( tokenPath )
sa_email = tokenData['client_email']
payload = {
'iat': now,
# expires after 'expiry_length' seconds.
"exp": now + expiry_length,
'iss': sa_email,
"scope": " ".join( [
] ),
'aud': "",
'email': sa_email
# sign with keyfile
signer = google.auth.crypt.RSASigner.from_service_account_file( tokenPath )
jwt = google.auth.jwt.encode(signer, payload)
return jwt
once I have the JWT then I make the following post that fails, 401, ::
gapiURL = '' + projectID + '/regions/' + region + '/addresses'
jwtToken = _generate_jwt( servicetoken )
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format( jwtToken ),
'content-type' : 'application/json',
post = url=gapiURL, headers=headers, data=data )
return post.text
I received a 401 no matter how many combinations of scopes I used in the JWT or permissions I provided to my service account. What am I doing wrong?
edit: many thanks to @JohnHanley for pointing out that I'm missing the next/second POST to URL in GCP's auth sequence. So, you get a JWT to get an 'access token.'
I've changed my calls to use the python jwt module rather than the google.auth.jwt module in-combo with the google.auth.crypt.RSASigner. So the code is a bit simpler and I put it in a single method
## serviceAccount auth sequence for google :: JWT -> accessToken
def gke_get_token( serviceKeyDict, expiry_seconds=3600 ):
epoch_time = int(time.time())
# Generate a claim from the service account file.
claim = {
"iss": serviceKeyDict["client_email"],
"scope": " ".join([
"aud": "",
"exp": epoch_time + expiry_seconds,
"iat": epoch_time
# Sign claim with JWT.
assertion = jwt.encode( claim, serviceKeyDict["private_key"], algorithm='RS256' ).decode()
data = urllib.urlencode( {
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
"assertion": assertion
} )
# Request the access token.
result =
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
return loadJsonData(result.text)["access_token"]
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2023
Reputation: 81464
In Google Cloud there are three types of "tokens" that grant access:
In your case you created a Signed JWT. A few Google services accept this token. Most do not.
Once you create a Signed JWT, then next step is to call a Google OAuth endpoint and exchange for an Access Token. I wrote an article that describes this in detail:
Google Cloud – Creating OAuth Access Tokens for REST API Calls
Some Google services now accept Identity Tokens. This is called Identity Based Access Control (IBAC). This does not apply to your question but is the trend for the future in Google Cloud Authorization. An example is my article on Cloud Run + Cloud Storage + KMS:
Google Cloud – Go – Identity Based Access Control
The following example Python code shows how to exchange tokens:
def exchangeJwtForAccessToken(signed_jwt):
This function takes a Signed JWT and exchanges it for a Google OAuth Access Token
auth_url = ""
params = {
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
"assertion": signed_jwt
r =, data=params)
if r.ok:
return(r.json()['access_token'], '')
return None, r.text
Upvotes: 3