I'm trying to use shapley, and to use it for what I need it for, I have to import "from shapely import geometry" but I get the error OSError: Could not find lib geos_c.dll
I've tried to install "geos" via "pip install geos", didn't do anything: Requirement already satisfied
pip location: C:\Users\skoft\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts\pip.exe
import shapely
from shapely import geometry
OSError: Could not find lib geos_c.dll or load any of its variants ['C:\\Users\\skoft\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32\\Library\\lib\\geos_c.dll'].
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I had the same issue in Python 3.6 with Windows 10 in the Shapely library. I have downloaded the geos_c.dll file online and replaced it in the shapely dll folder that is in environment library. Replacement DLL folder
download geos_c.dll online, then put it into your lib address. it works for me
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Reputation: 11
In my case, it decided to install Visual C++ for Visual Studio 2015, because debugging the site-packages\shapely\ file I noticed that the dll is being found but not loaded. Finally checking the geos_c.dll file dependencies I saw that it needed MSVCP140.DLL
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Reputation: 608
I got the same error. My import statement (from shapely.geometry import Point) successfully executed after I manually downloaded the geo_c.dll file from and placed it in the bin folder "C:\Users....\Anaconda3\Library\bin".
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Reputation: 193
On python 3.8.5 and windows 10. I meet the same error. Then conda install shapely solved the problem for me.
Upvotes: 1