Reputation: 7107
I would like to know how to construct a Long-Short portfolio in R as is typical in financial literature.
Say I have the following data:
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: assets [1]
assets returns id quantile
<fct> <dbl> <int> <chr>
1 AEIS -0.157 1 1
2 AEIS 0.107 2 1
3 AEIS 0.140 3 1
4 AEIS -0.111 4 1
5 AEIS -0.160 5 1
6 AEIS -0.00566 6 1
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: assets [1]
assets returns id quantile
<fct> <dbl> <int> <chr>
1 GIB 0.0742 110 8
2 GIB 0.0201 111 8
3 GIB 0.0255 112 8
4 GIB 0.0446 113 8
5 GIB 0.0143 114 8
6 GIB 0.0537 115 8
How does one construct the L-S portfolio such that I long portfolio/quantile 1
and short portfolio/quantile 8
stocks <- c('AEIS', 'ABC', 'AMGN', 'BBY', 'HRB', 'BKE', 'CPLA', 'GIB')
getSymbols(stocks, from = "2010-01-01") <-, lapply(stocks, function(x) Cl(get(x))))
returns <- setNames(, lapply(, monthlyReturn)), stocks)
data <- returns %>%
data.frame() %>%
gather(assets, returns, 1:8, factor_key=TRUE) %>%
group_by(assets) %>%
mutate(id = 1:n(),
quantile = as.numeric(assets))
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1932
Reputation: 3374
The following code illustrates how to do a LS return calculation (and hopefully assist others keen to see how LS portfolio returns can be calculated).
I show you also qhat the quantile portfolio is all about - it is typically a ranking exercise (by e.g. a factor score), which implies certain stocks are long, and other short based on the score.
Would be great to see if someone can poke holes in the LS calculation below, but my simple check seems to indicate it works well.
if(!require(tbl2xts)) install.packages("tbl2xts")
if(!require(rmsfuns)) install.packages("rmsfuns")
stocks <- c('AEIS', 'ABC', 'AMGN', 'BBY', 'HRB', 'BKE', 'GIB') # CPLA doesn't fetch
getSymbols(stocks, from = "2016-01-01") <-, lapply(stocks, function(x) Cl(get(x))))
returns <- setNames(, lapply(, monthlyReturn)), stocks)
FactorInfo <-
tibble(assets = stocks, FactorScore = rnorm(n = length(stocks)))
data <-
returns %>% xts_tbl() %>%
gather(assets, returns, -date) %>%
left_join(., FactorInfo, by = "assets") %>%
mutate(RankPctile = percent_rank(FactorScore))
LongStocks <- data %>% select(assets, FactorScore) %>% unique() %>% arrange(FactorScore) %>% head(2) # pick two worst to short, as example
ShortStocks <- data %>% select(assets, FactorScore) %>% unique() %>% arrange(FactorScore) %>% tail(2) # pick two best to long, as example
Long_Port <- data %>% filter(assets %in% unique(LongStocks$assets)) %>% tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "returns", spread_by = "assets")
Short_Port <- data %>% filter(assets %in% unique(ShortStocks$assets)) %>% tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "returns", spread_by = "assets")
# Fully funded long-short position
W_Long <- data %>% filter(assets %in% unique(LongStocks$assets)) %>% filter(date == first(date)) %>% mutate(Weight = 1 / n()) %>% tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "Weight", spread_by = "assets")
W_Short <- data %>% filter(assets %in% unique(ShortStocks$assets)) %>% filter(date == first(date)) %>% mutate(Weight = -1 / n()) %>% tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = "Weight", spread_by = "assets")
# Now calculate LS portfolio using PerformanceAnalytics:
# I recommend using rmsfuns::Safe_Return.portfolio, a wrapper for PerformanceAnalytics that makes it safer to use:
Port <- cbind(Long_Port, Short_Port)
Port_W <- cbind(W_Long, W_Short)
Port <-
rmsfuns::Safe_Return.portfolio(R = Port, weights = Port_W, lag_weights = TRUE, geometric = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
LS_Port <- Port$returns %>% xts_tbl() %>% summarise(Cum = prod(1+portfolio.returns)) %>% .[[1]]
# Check correctness with direct calculation (can be done if only rebalanced once at the start):
all.equal( bind_rows(Long_Port %>% xts_tbl() %>% gather(assets, Ret, -date) %>% mutate(Weight = 1 / n_distinct(assets)),
Short_Port %>% xts_tbl() %>% gather(assets, Ret, -date) %>% mutate(Weight = -1 / n_distinct(assets))) %>%
group_by(assets, Weight) %>% summarise(Ret = prod(1+Ret) - 1) %>% ungroup() %>% summarise(Ret = sum(Ret*Weight)) %>% .[[1]],
# To see your daily positions:
LS_Daily <- Port$EOP.Value %>% xts_tbl %>% gather(stocks, eop.val, -date) %>% group_by(date) %>% summarise(return = sum(eop.val))
# Of course - you can further rebalance to other positions by adjusting Port_W
Upvotes: 3