Reputation: 67
I am running a greedy feature selection algorithm, and I am attempting to use job arrays to explore parallelization.
The idea is that we have three steps that depend on the previous step:
Step 1: Setup for iteration i
Step 2: Fit models at iteration i
Step 3: Find best model at iteration i
Because you need all the models (>10) to have finished training before starting step 3, plain old job chaining is not optimal. So I am trying to use job arrays, which do exactly what I want: only when all my models are fitted do I move to step 3.
However, I am having trouble setting up the dependency.
I was told that the dependency for a whole job array needs to be the job ID (which is a number) and not the job name (e.g. runSetup$n_subject$i
So: how do I get the job ID from the whole job array ? Or better yet: how to best set a dependency for a whole job array ?
This answer is very interesting, but doesn't tell me how to best set a dependency when my job array contains 10 or more jobs.
# Subject to consider
n_subject=$1 # takes in input arguments from command line.
for ((i = 1; i <= $nparam; i++)); do
# Run setup
if [[ $i -eq 1 ]]; then
bsub -J "runSetup$n_subject$i" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "setup_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
bsub -J "runSetup$n_subject$i" -w "done(saveBest$n_subject$last_iter)" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "setup_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
# Fit models
bsub -W 08:00 -J "fitDCMs$n_subject[1-$max_sim]" -w "done(runSetup$n_subject$i)" -R "rusage[mem=16000]" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "fit_dcm_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, \$LSB_JOBINDEX)"
# Extracting the job ID from the fitDCMs jobs
# Then: For all trained DCMs, get the best model and save it
JOBID=$(get_jobid bsub -W 08:00 -J "fitDCMs$n_subject[1-$max_sim]" -w "done(runSetup$n_subject$i)" -R "rusage[mem=16000]" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "fit_dcm_greedy_forward($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, \$LSB_JOBINDEX)" 2> /dev/null)
if [ -n "$jobid" ]; then
bsub -J "saveBest$n_subject$i" -w "numdone($JOBID,*)" matlab -singleCompThread -nodisplay -r "save_best_model($n_subject,$cohort, $priors_and_init, $i)"
The output I am getting:
Job <94564566> is submitted to queue <normal.24h>.
Job <94564567> is submitted to queue <normal.24h>.
saveBest121: No matching job found. Job not submitted.
runSetup122: No matching job found. Job not submitted.
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Views: 1001
Reputation: 67
After searching a bit, I found a way to get the job ID.
JOBID=$(bsub command1 | awk '/is submitted/{print substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);}')
if [ -n "$JOBID" ]; then
bsub -w "numdone($JOBID,*)" command2
The first line submits the job and extracts its job ID.
This answer was found here.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 932
I was told that the dependency for a whole job array needs to be the job ID (which is a number) and not the job name
That should work. For example:
bsub -J "iterate[1-10]" ...
bsub -J "finalize" -w "done(iterate)" ...
Job finalize
won't start until all elements of iterate
are done.
Upvotes: 0