Reputation: 89
I am trying to create an invoice in xero and then get a pdf version uploaded onto mongoDB through my parse server.
I am authenicating xero in an express app in the main.js of my application.
When I save the invoice Pdf to parse it is rejected as 'schema mismatch, expecting file but getting object', what am I missing in my code to create the PDF version?
let oauth_verifier = req.query.oauth_verifier;
let accessToken = await xeroClient.oauth1Client.swapRequestTokenforAccessToken(lastRequestToken, oauth_verifier)
.then(async() => {
var invoice = xeroClient.invoices.create(data)
.then(async(invoice) => {
var inv = invoice["Invoices"][0];
var invId = inv["InvoiceID"];
await xeroClient.invoices.get({ InvoiceID: invId}, "application/pdf")
.then((invPdf) => {
Parse.serverURL = 'http://--.---.---.--:--/parse';
var Invoices = Parse.Object.extend("Invoices");
var invoice = new Invoices;
invoice.set('invoicePdf', invPdf);;
event.returnValue = true;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 896
Reputation: 983
In the GitHub source for the Node.JS, there is a separate function called savePDF
which seems to do the trick, as you noted in the comments above.
Upvotes: 1