Reputation: 752
I have to build a horizontal bar chart with highcharts with also some lines to indicate the minimum and maximum values that aren't the same for each bar.
The best way I imagined to do is to put a series with a transparent bar and do the border right colored but I can't figure out how to do it. So far I did a bar with all the borders and then put over another bar without borders and white. However this solution hides the vertical grid and that's not what I want.
Here is an image of the objective. I am searching a way to do the red and green lines.
The settings for that chart is
var options = {
"chart": {"type": "column", "inverted": true, "polar": false},
"title": {"text": ""},
"subtitle": {"text": ""},
"series": [{
"name": "maximum",
"turboThreshold": 0,
"pointWidth": 70,
"color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
"colorByPoint": false,
"borderWidth": "10",
"borderColor": "#b71c1c",
"colorIndex": 0,
"fillColor": ""
}, {
"name": "maximum2",
"turboThreshold": 0,
"pointWidth": 80,
"lineColor": null,
"color": "#ffffff",
"borderColor": "#eceff1",
"borderWidth": "0",
"zThreshold": 0,
"type": "",
"shape": "",
"shadow": false
}, {
"name": "minimum",
"turboThreshold": 0,
"pointWidth": 70,
"color": "#bbdefb",
"borderColor": "#1b5e20",
"borderWidth": "10"
}, {
"name": "minimum2",
"turboThreshold": 0,
"pointWidth": 80,
"color": "#ffffff",
"zThreshold": 0
}, {"name": "avg", "turboThreshold": 0, "pointWidth": 50, "color": "#bbdefb"}, {
"name": "best",
"turboThreshold": 0,
"pointWidth": 50,
"color": "#64b5f6"
}, {"name": "mine", "turboThreshold": 0, "pointWidth": 25, "color": "#0d47a1"}],
"plotOptions": {"column": {"groupPadding": 0.5, "pointPadding": 0.1}},
"data": {
"csv": "\"series\";\"maximum\";\"maximum2\";\"minimum\";\"minimum2\";\"avg\";\"best\";\"mine\"\n\"series1\";8;8;1;1;4.9;2;5\n\"series2\";5;5;1;1;3;1;2\n\"series3\";10;10;1;1;5;2;3",
"googleSpreadsheetKey": false,
"googleSpreadsheetWorksheet": false
"yAxis": [{}],
"pane": {"background": []},
"responsive": {"rules": []}
new Highcharts.Chart("highcharts-e3896764-618b-48e8-9545-031ab2433d34", options);
and the live
Does anyone have a solution? Maybe set the right border so I don't have to do two series or change a "z-index" like to move the white and bordered series in the background before the grid. Thank you
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1212
Reputation: 39139
You can also add predefined marker symbol and use scatter
series type:
Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.rectangle = function(x, y, w, h) {
return [
'M', x - w, y,
'L', x + w * 2, y,
x + w * 2, y + h,
x - w, y + h,
Live demo:
Or use build-in bullet
chart type:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 20536
One hacky way is to use a columnrange
series instead to indicate the min/max.
With the following modifications, I've made and example:
Added Highcharts-more module:
<script src=""></script>
Removed series minimum2
and maximum2
Added the following to minimum
and maximum
minPointLength: 1,
grouping: false,
type: "columnrange"
Upvotes: 1