Reputation: 7105
I am new to the world of coding and PHP. Having picked up some of the basics, I have put a form together. I'm sure there are much efficient ways to code a page however seeing I have put something together with what I have learnt so far, I am having troubling getting past on select a multi-select dropdown after the user has posted the page i.e. to remember what the user selected. Here is my entire code.
//Process form variables
//Validate if the form has been submitted
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//Validate if the form elements were completed
$fname = isset($_POST['fname']) ? $_POST['fname'] : '';
$lname = isset($_POST['lname']) ? $_POST['lname'] : '';
$email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
$gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : '';
$updates = isset($_POST['updates']) ? $_POST['updates'] : '';
$media = isset($_POST['media']) ? $_POST['media'] : '';
$comments = isset($_POST['comments']) ? $_POST['comments'] : '';
//Place error messages in an array
$errormsg = array();
if(empty($fname)) {
$errormsg[0] = 'Please specify your first name. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($lname)) {
$errormsg[1] = 'Please specify your last name. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($email)) {
$errormsg[2] = 'Please provide an email address. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($gender)) {
$errormsg[3] = 'Please select a gender. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($updates)) {
$errormsg[4] = 'Please select how we can contact you. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($media)) {
$errormsg[5] = 'Please select where you heard about us. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($comments)) {
$errormsg[6] = 'Please tell us what you think of us. It\'s blank.';
//Return list of error messages
foreach($errormsg as $errormsg) {
echo $errormsg . '<br />';
<title>Sample Registration Form</title>
<h2>Sample Registration Form</h2>
<form name="registration" method="post" action="registration.php">
First Name: <br />
<input type="text" name="fname" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['fname'])) { echo $fname; } ?>">
Last Name: <br />
<input type="text" name="lname" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['lname'])) { echo $lname ; } ?>">
Email Address: <br />
<input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['email'])) { echo $email; } ?>">
Gender: <br />
//Generate gender array
$gender = array('male', 'female');
$countgender = count($gender);
for($start=0;$start < $countgender;$start=$start+1) {
$status = '';
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if($_POST['gender'][0] == $gender[$start]) {
$status = 'checked';
// echo $gender[$start];
$genderform = '<input type="radio" name="gender[]" value="'. $gender[$start] . '" '. $status. '>' . $gender[$start];
echo $genderform;
// foreach($gender as $gender) {
// $status = '';
// if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// if($_POST['gender'][0] == $gender) {
// $status = 'checked';
// }
// }
// $genderform = '<input type="radio" name="gender[]" value="' .$gender . '" ' . $status .'>'. $gender . '';
// echo $genderform;
// }
Would you like to receive updates from us? <br />
$updates = array(0 => 'newsletter', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'sms');
foreach($updates as $updatekeys => $updatevalues) {
$status = '';
if(!empty($_POST['updates'][$updatevalues]) == $updatevalues) {
$status = 'checked';
// echo $_POST['updates'][$updatevalues];
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="updates[' . $updatevalues . ']" value="'. $updatevalues. '" '. $status . '>'.$updatevalues;
How did you hear about us? <br />
<select name="media[]" multiple>
$media = array(0 => 'internet', 1 => 'pamphlet', 2 => 'brochure');
foreach($media as $mediakey => $mediavalue) {
$mediaform = '<option value="'. $mediavalue . '">'.$mediavalue.'</option>';
echo $mediaform;
Tell us what you think: <br />
<textarea name="comments" cols="50" rows="10"><?php if(!empty($_POST['comments'])) { echo $comments; } ?></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
Guys, I have updated my code to reflect some of the suggestions below. Let me know if the page is better coded. I have not included suggestions such as $start++ just because I am trying to understand what it means. I love to make coding as short as possible but seeing that I am just learning, best to get a good foundation.
//Initialize session
//Generate session id
echo session_id() . '<br />';
//Process form variables
//Validate if the form has been submitted
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//Validate if the form elements were completed
$fname = isset($_POST['fname']) ? $_POST['fname'] : '';
$lname = isset($_POST['lname']) ? $_POST['lname'] : '';
$email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
$gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? $_POST['gender'] : '';
$updates = isset($_POST['updates']) ? $_POST['updates'] : '';
$media = isset($_POST['media']) ? $_POST['media'] : '';
$comments = isset($_POST['comments']) ? $_POST['comments'] : '';
//Place error messages in an array
$errormsg = array();
if(empty($fname)) {
$errormsg[0] = 'Please specify your first name. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($lname)) {
$errormsg[1] = 'Please specify your last name. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($email)) {
$errormsg[2] = 'Please provide an email address. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($gender)) {
$errormsg[3] = 'Please select a gender. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($updates)) {
$errormsg[4] = 'Please select how we can contact you. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($media)) {
$errormsg[5] = 'Please select where you heard about us. It\'s blank.';
if(empty($comments)) {
$errormsg[6] = 'Please tell us what you think of us. It\'s blank.';
//Return list of error messages
foreach($errormsg as $errormsg) {
echo $errormsg . '<br />';
// print_r($_POST['media']);
<title>Sample Registration Form</title>
<h2>Sample Registration Form</h2>
<form name="registration" method="post" action="registration.php">
First Name: <br />
<input type="text" name="fname" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['fname'])) { echo $fname; } ?>">
Last Name: <br />
<input type="text" name="lname" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['lname'])) { echo $lname ; } ?>">
Email Address: <br />
<input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if(!empty($_POST['email'])) { echo $email; } ?>">
Gender: <br />
//Generate gender array
$gender = array('male', 'female');
$countgender = count($gender);
for($start=0;$start < $countgender;$start=$start+1) {
$status = '';
if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['gender'])) {
$status = in_array($gender[$start], $_POST['gender']) ? 'checked' : '';
$genderform = '<input type="radio" name="gender[]" value="'. $gender[$start] . '" '. $status. '>' . $gender[$start];
echo $genderform;
Would you like to receive updates from us? <br />
$updates = array(0 => 'newsletter', 1 => 'email', 2 => 'sms');
foreach($updates as $updatekeys => $updatevalues) {
$status = '';
if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['updates'])) {
$status = in_array($updatevalues, $_POST['updates']) ? 'checked' : '';
// if(!empty($_POST['updates'][$updatevalues]) == $updatevalues) {
// $status = 'checked';
// echo $_POST['updates'][$updatevalues];
// }
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="updates[' . $updatevalues . ']" value="'. $updatevalues. '" '. $status . '>'.$updatevalues;
How did you hear about us? <br />
<select name="media[]" multiple>
$media = array(0 => 'internet', 1 => 'pamphlet', 2 => 'brochure');
foreach($media as $mediakey => $mediavalue) {
$status = in_array($mediavalue,$_POST['media'])? 'selected' : '';
$mediaform = '<option value="'. $mediavalue . '" '. $status .'>'.$mediavalue.'</option>';
echo $mediaform;
Tell us what you think: <br />
<textarea name="comments" cols="50" rows="10"><?php if(!empty($_POST['comments'])) { echo $comments; } ?></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
Upvotes: 0
Views: 7318
Reputation: 13562
You can use in_array function to check whether the current $mediavalue in the array of selected $media - but you need to select another name for array with media sources, because it overwrites the $media variable with user selection. For example:
$mediaTypes = array(0 => 'internet', 1 => 'pamphlet', 2 => 'brochure');
foreach($mediaTypes as $mediakey => $mediavalue) {
$mediaform = '<option value="'. $mediavalue . '" '
. (in_array($mediavalue, $media) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $mediavalue.'</option>';
echo $mediaform;
There are a few recommended minor modifications to you code as well:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1866
based on form output of the dropdown, set a $_SESSION['variable'] the do something like:
if (isset($_SESSION['variable'])) {
// if exists
else {
// if doesn't exist
you could even include other elseif statements based on different parameters. Then use else as an error handle.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8530
Try this:
foreach($media as $mediakey => $mediavalue) {
$mediaform = '<option '.$selected.' value="'. $mediavalue . '">'.$mediavalue.'</option>';
echo $mediaform;
Upvotes: 1