
Reputation: 563

Oracle Show only Columns that have changed

I have an audit table which has columns prefixed with "old_" and "new_" to indicate old and new values as below:

 ID              <-- Primary Key

Does anybody knows of readily available package/procedure which can dynamically generate code to produce report and show column changes, something similar to below:


         ID     old_name   new_name   old_address  new_address
         101      Andru     Andrew      Main_St      Main_St
         102      Bill      Bill        1st_Av       2nd_Av
         103      jack      jack        High_St      High_St


         101   name changed    : Andru  --> Andrew
         102   address changed : 1st_Av --> 2nd_Av
         103   no change

Upvotes: 1

Views: 114

Answers (2)

Francisco Sitja
Francisco Sitja

Reputation: 1003

Alright, so for the fun of it I created a somewhat convoluted query that will generate a SQL statement to compare old and new values. It figures out the primary key columns and the column list based on Oracle data dictionary and your rule that they start with "NEW_" and "OLD_". Just substitute your schema owner and table_name in the first part of it.

I did not test it thoroughly to the point where I can safely say there may be no bugs or it will not "misbehave". But it seems to be working for this simple test case.

I borrowed from Barbaros Özhan solution as well, so thank you for that.

with tab as (
select owner, table_name
  from dba_tables t where t.owner = 'FSITJA' and table_name in ('TEST_COMPARE')),
col_list as (
select co.owner,
       cn.column_name new_col_name,
       co.column_name old_col_name,
       row_number() over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name order by co.column_name) position,
       decode(row_number() over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name order by co.column_name),
              count(*) over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name),
              'N') last_col
  from dba_tab_columns cn
  join dba_tab_columns co on co.owner = cn.owner
                             and co.table_name = cn.table_name
                             and regexp_replace(co.column_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') = regexp_replace(cn.column_name, '^NEW_(.*)$', '\1')
 where (co.owner, co.table_name) in (select owner, table_name from tab)
       and regexp_like(cn.column_name, '^NEW_')),
pk_col_list as (
select c.owner,
       decode(cc.position, max(cc.position) over (partition by c.owner, c.table_name), 'Y', 'N') last_col       
  from dba_constraints c
  join dba_cons_columns cc on c.owner = cc.owner
                              and c.table_name = cc.table_name
                              and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name
 where (c.owner, c.table_name) in (select owner, table_name from tab)
       and c.constraint_type = 'P'
) --
select replace(replace(extract(xmlconcat(xmlelement("xml_part", sql_select),
                                         xmlelement("xml_part", xml_pkcol_list),
                                         xmlelement("xml_part", xml_col_list),
                                         xmlelement("xml_part", from_t)), '/xml_part/text()'),
                       chr(38)||'apos;', ''''),
               chr(38)||'gt;', '>') full_sql
  from (select pl.owner,
               'SELECT ' || chr(10) sql_select,
               extract(xmlagg(xmlelement("column_name", '       ' || pl.column_name || ',' || chr(10)) order by pl.position), '/column_name/text()') xml_pkcol_list
          from pk_col_list pl
         group by pl.owner,
                  'SELECT ' || chr(10)) part1
  join (select cl.owner,
               extract(xmlagg(xmlelement("column_name", '       CASE WHEN nvl(' || cl.old_col_name || ', ' || cl.new_col_name || 
                                                        '||''1'') != nvl(' || cl.new_col_name || ', ' || cl.old_col_name || '||''1'')' || chr(10) ||
                                                        '            THEN ''' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') || 
                                                        ' changed: '' || nvl(to_char(' || cl.old_col_name || '), ''''''NULL'''''') || '' --> '' || nvl(to_char(' || cl.new_col_name || 
                                                        '), ''''''NULL'''''')' || chr(10) ||
                                                        '            ELSE ''' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') || 
                                                        ' unchanged'' END AS ' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') ||
                                                        decode(cl.last_col, 'N', ',') || chr(10)
                             ) order by cl.position), '/column_name/text()') xml_col_list,
               '  FROM ' || cl.owner || '.' || cl.table_name || ' t;' from_t
          from col_list cl
         group by cl.owner,
                  '  FROM ' || cl.owner || '.' || cl.table_name || ' t;') part2 on part1.owner = part2.owner and part1.table_name = part2.table_name;

And a sample execution follows:

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> create table fsitja.test_compare (id number primary key,
  2                                    new_name varchar2(10),
  3                                    old_name varchar2(10),
  4                                    new_salary number,
  5                                    old_salary number,
  6                                    new_address varchar2(30),
  7                                    old_address varchar2(30));

Table created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> insert into fsitja.test_compare values (1, 'John', 'James', 1000, 1000, '123 That Road', '332 This Avenue');

1 row created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> insert into fsitja.test_compare values (2, 'Pat', 'Pat', 1200, 2000, 'None', 'None');

1 row created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> insert into fsitja.test_compare values (3, 'Jack', null, 5000, 5000, 'None', 'None');

1 row created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> insert into fsitja.test_compare values (4, 'Dean', 'Dean', null, 900, 'None', 'DIFF ADDRESS');

1 row created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> insert into fsitja.test_compare values (5, 'Anne', 'Anne', null, null, null, null);

1 row created.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> commit;

Commit complete.

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56>
FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:56> with tab as (
  2  select owner, table_name
  3    from dba_tables t where t.owner = 'FSITJA' and table_name in ('TEST_COMPARE')),
  4  col_list as (
  5  select co.owner,
  6         co.table_name,
  7         cn.column_name new_col_name,
  8         co.column_name old_col_name,
  9         row_number() over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name order by co.column_name) position,
 10         decode(row_number() over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name order by co.column_name),
 11                count(*) over (partition by co.owner, co.table_name),
 12                'Y',
 13                'N') last_col
 14    from dba_tab_columns cn
 15    join dba_tab_columns co on co.owner = cn.owner
 16                               and co.table_name = cn.table_name
 17                               and regexp_replace(co.column_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') = regexp_replace(cn.column_name, '^NEW_(.*)$', '\1')
 18   where (co.owner, co.table_name) in (select owner, table_name from tab)
 19         and regexp_like(cn.column_name, '^NEW_')),
 20  pk_col_list as (
 21  select c.owner,
 22         c.table_name,
 23         cc.column_name,
 24         cc.position,
 25         decode(cc.position, max(cc.position) over (partition by c.owner, c.table_name), 'Y', 'N') last_col
 26    from dba_constraints c
 27    join dba_cons_columns cc on c.owner = cc.owner
 28                                and c.table_name = cc.table_name
 29                                and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name
 30   where (c.owner, c.table_name) in (select owner, table_name from tab)
 31         and c.constraint_type = 'P'
 32  ) --
 33  select replace(replace(extract(xmlconcat(xmlelement("xml_part", sql_select),
 34                                           xmlelement("xml_part", xml_pkcol_list),
 35                                           xmlelement("xml_part", xml_col_list),
 36                                           xmlelement("xml_part", from_t)), '/xml_part/text()'),
 37                         chr(38)||'apos;', ''''),
 38                 chr(38)||'gt;', '>') full_sql
 39    from (select pl.owner,
 40                 pl.table_name,
 41                 'SELECT ' || chr(10) sql_select,
 42                 extract(xmlagg(xmlelement("column_name", '       ' || pl.column_name || ',' || chr(10)) order by pl.position), '/column_name/text()') xml_pkcol_list
 43            from pk_col_list pl
 44           group by pl.owner,
 45                    pl.table_name,
 46                    'SELECT ' || chr(10)) part1
 47    join (select cl.owner,
 48                 cl.table_name,
 49                 extract(xmlagg(xmlelement("column_name", '       CASE WHEN nvl(' || cl.old_col_name || ', ' || cl.new_col_name ||
 50                                                          '||''1'') != nvl(' || cl.new_col_name || ', ' || cl.old_col_name || '||''1'')' || chr(10) ||
 51                                                          '            THEN ''' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') ||
 52                                                          ' changed: '' || nvl(to_char(' || cl.old_col_name || '), ''''''NULL'''''') || '' --> '' || nvl(to_char(' || cl.new_col_name ||
 53                                                          '), ''''''NULL'''''')' || chr(10) ||
 54                                                          '            ELSE ''' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') ||
 55                                                          ' unchanged'' END AS ' || regexp_replace(cl.old_col_name, '^OLD_(.*)$', '\1') ||
 56                                                          decode(cl.last_col, 'N', ',') || chr(10)
 57                               ) order by cl.position), '/column_name/text()') xml_col_list,
 58                 '  FROM ' || cl.owner || '.' || cl.table_name || ' t;' from_t
 59            from col_list cl
 60           group by cl.owner,
 61                    cl.table_name,
 62                    '  FROM ' || cl.owner || '.' || cl.table_name || ' t;') part2 on part1.owner = part2.owner and part1.table_name = part2.table_name;

            THEN 'ADDRESS changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_ADDRESS), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_ADDRESS), '''NULL''')
            ELSE 'ADDRESS unchanged' END AS ADDRESS,
       CASE WHEN nvl(OLD_NAME, NEW_NAME||'1') != nvl(NEW_NAME, OLD_NAME||'1')
            THEN 'NAME changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_NAME), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_NAME), '''NULL''')
            ELSE 'NAME unchanged' END AS NAME,
            THEN 'SALARY changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_SALARY), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_SALARY), '''NULL''')
            ELSE 'SALARY unchanged' END AS SALARY

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:21:59> SELECT
  2         ID,
  4              THEN 'ADDRESS changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_ADDRESS), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_ADDRESS), '''NULL''')
  5              ELSE 'ADDRESS unchanged' END AS ADDRESS,
  6         CASE WHEN nvl(OLD_NAME, NEW_NAME||'1') != nvl(NEW_NAME, OLD_NAME||'1')
  7              THEN 'NAME changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_NAME), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_NAME), '''NULL''')
  8              ELSE 'NAME unchanged' END AS NAME,
  9         CASE WHEN nvl(OLD_SALARY, NEW_SALARY||'1') != nvl(NEW_SALARY, OLD_SALARY||'1')
 10              THEN 'SALARY changed: ' || nvl(to_char(OLD_SALARY), '''NULL''') || ' --> ' || nvl(to_char(NEW_SALARY), '''NULL''')
 11              ELSE 'SALARY unchanged' END AS SALARY

  ID ADDRESS                                            NAME                           SALARY
---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
   1 ADDRESS changed: 332 This Avenue --> 123 That Road NAME changed: James --> John   SALARY unchanged
   2 ADDRESS unchanged                                  NAME unchanged                 SALARY changed: 2000 --> 1200
   3 ADDRESS unchanged                                  NAME changed: 'NULL' --> Jack  SALARY unchanged
   4 ADDRESS changed: DIFF ADDRESS --> None             NAME unchanged                 SALARY changed: 900 --> 'NULL'
   5 ADDRESS unchanged                                  NAME unchanged                 SALARY unchanged

FSITJA@db01 2019-07-10 13:22:06>

Hope it helps. Please do let me know if you find issues in it.


Upvotes: 0

Barbaros &#214;zhan
Barbaros &#214;zhan

Reputation: 65105

You can use a case..when expression as

select case 
       when nvl(old_name,new_name||'x') != nvl(new_name,old_name||'x') then 
         ID||'   name changed    : '||old_name||' --> '||new_name
       when nvl(old_address,new_address||'x') != nvl(new_address,old_address||'x') then  
         ID||'   address changed : '||old_address||' --> '||new_address            
         ID||'   no change'
       end as "Output" 
  from t;


Upvotes: 1

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