Reputation: 389
I want to transform my time series code for one time series to an automated code which can be used for multiple time series data (my data contains a monthly time series). My general approach for one time series was to remove the seasonal component and take first differences to achieve stationarity. Then I use auto.arima to get the ARIMA parameters. I use these parameters to build my ARIMA model with my original time series data. Then I forecast and compare to the actual data of 4 months (which I have cut out before) and calculate the RMSE. As I cannot use my actual data, I just generate a random time series and test set as an example - of course the outcome does not make much sense.
# create random time series and 4 months testing data
ts <- ts(runif(26, min = 50, max = 3000), start = c(2017,01), end = c(2019,02), frequency = 12) <- runif(4, min = 50, max = 3000)
# Decomompose
comp.ts = decompose(ts)
# subtrect seasonal trend
ts2 <- ts - comp.ts$seasonal
ts2 <- diff(ts2, differences=1)
auto.arima(ts2, trace = T, seasonal = TRUE,ic = 'aicc', max.p = 10,max.q = 10,max.P = 10,max.Q = 10,max.d = 10, stepwise = F)
# Use auto.arima outcome as input
my.arima <- Arima(ts2, order=c(0,0,0),seasonal = list(order = c(0,1,0), period = 12),method="ML", include.drift = F)
# Forecast and calculate RMSE
data.forecast <- forecast(my.arima, h=4, level=c(99.5))
my.difference <- - data.forecast$mean
my.rmse <- (sum(sqrt(my.difference^2)))/length(my.difference)
As my actual data set contains over 500 time series, I need to automate the whole process. Unfortunately, I have not used R for time series so far, so I have problems coming up with an automated process.
Lets assume 4 random time series with 4 random test sets. How could I generate an automated process for these time series (which I can also use for my actual 500+ time series) which does the exact same thing as above?
ts1 <- ts(runif(26, min = 50, max = 3000), start = c(2017,01), end = c(2019,02), frequency = 12)
ts2 <- ts(runif(26, min = 50, max = 3000), start = c(2017,01), end = c(2019,02), frequency = 12)
ts3 <- ts(runif(26, min = 50, max = 3000), start = c(2017,01), end = c(2019,02), frequency = 12)
ts4 <- ts(runif(26, min = 50, max = 3000), start = c(2017,01), end = c(2019,02), frequency = 12)
test.data1 <- runif(4, min = 50, max = 3000)
test.data2 <- runif(4, min = 50, max = 3000)
test.data3 <- runif(4, min = 50, max = 3000)
test.data4 <- runif(4, min = 50, max = 3000)
Thanks for the help!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 113
Reputation: 72593
Just put your workflow into a function.
serialArima <- function(ts, {
# Decomompose
# subtrect seasonal trend
ts2 <- ts - comp.ts$seasonal
ts2 <- diff(ts2, differences=1)
auto.arima(ts2, trace=T, seasonal=TRUE, ic='aicc', max.p=0, max.q=0, max.P=0,
max.Q=0, max.d=0, stepwise=F)
# Use auto.arima outcome as input
my.arima <- Arima(ts2, order=c(0, 0, 0),
seasonal=list(order=c(0, 1, 0), period=2),
method="ML", include.drift=F)
# Forecast and calculate RMSE
data.forecast <- forecast(my.arima, h=4, level=c(99.5))
my.difference <- - data.forecast$mean
my.rmse <- (sum(sqrt(my.difference^2)))/length(my.difference)
return(list(data.forecast=data.forecast, my.difference=my.difference, my.rmse=my.rmse))
# ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean : 82.45803
# ARIMA(0,0,0) with non-zero mean : 88.13593
# Best model: ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean
# $data.forecast
# Point Forecast Lo 99.5 Hi 99.5
# 2020.00 -349.1424 -2595.762 1897.477
# 2020.50 772.6014 -1474.018 3019.221
# 2021.00 -349.1424 -3526.342 2828.057
# 2021.50 772.6014 -2404.598 3949.801
# $my.difference
# Time Series:
# Start = c(2020, 1)
# End = c(2021, 2)
# Frequency = 2
# [1] 1497.2446 840.4139 2979.4553 993.5614
# $my.rmse
# [1] 1577.669
Map(serialArima, list(ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4),
list(test.data1, test.data2, test.data3, test.data4))
Upvotes: 1