Reputation: 757
Please how to combine maximum and distinct to have always unique Id and maximum of the column for that unique Id?
For example, if I have,
OrdinaceId Priloha2Id
5 1
5 2
6 2
6 4
7 1
result will be
OrdinaceId Priloha2Id
5 2
6 4
7 1
how to return only 1 row(with the same Id) with a maximum of Priloha2Id?
select * from (select
distinct ord.Id as OrdinaceId,
posk.ICO as Ico,
zar.ICZ as Icz,
posk.NazevZkraceny as Zkratka,
case when cle.Primariat = 0 then cle.Icp end as Icp,
IIF(cle.Primariat = 1, pri.OborKod , cle.OdbornostKod) as OdbornostKod,
ord.Nazev as OrdinaceNazev,
(select Street + N' ' + DescriptiveNo + N', ' + PostCode + N' ' + City from ICIS_Repl.repl.Address where Code = ord.NavAddressCode and Type = N'ORDINACE' and (ValidFrom is null or ValidFrom <= GETDATE()) and (ValidTill is null or ValidTill >= GETDATE() or ValidTill = N'1753-01-01 00:00:00')) as OrdinaceAdresaCela,
pril.Id as Priloha2Id,
cisP2KomunikaceStav.Nazev as EP2,
cisPzs.Nazev as StavPzp,
pril.PriPlatnostOd as PlatnostOd,
pril.PriPlatnostDo as PlatnostDo
from Ordinace ord
left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
left join ZarizeniPZS zar on cle.ZarizeniPzsId = zar.Id
left join PoskytovatelZS posk on zar.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
left join Primariat pri on cle.PrimariatId = pri.Id
left join Pril2Formular pr on pr.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id
left join Priloha2 pril on pril.Id = pr.Priloha2Id and (pril.PriPlatnostOd <= GETDATE() or pril.PriPlatnostOd is null) and (pril.PriPlatnostDo is null or pril.PriPlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
join CisCiselnik cisP2KomunikaceStav on posk.P2KomunikaceStavKod = cisP2KomunikaceStav.Kod AND cisP2KomunikaceStav.Oblast = N'P2KomunikaceStav' and cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo is null or cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join P2Formular form on form.Icp = cle.Icp and form.Aktivni = 1
left join CisCiselnik cisPzs on form.P2StavPzpKod = cisPzs.Kod AND cisPzs.Oblast = N'P2StavPZP' and cisPzs.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisPzs.PlatnostDo is null or cisPzs.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join P2ZarizeniPZS z on form.P2ZarizeniPzsId = z.Id and z.Icz = zar.ICZ and z.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
join Smlouva smlv on smlv.Id = pril.SmlouvaId
left join SmluvniVykon smlVyk on smlVyk.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id and smlVyk.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (smlVyk.PlatnostDo is null or smlVyk.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join SmlVykonVyjadreniRL vyjadreni on vyjadreni.Id = smlVyk.VyjadreniRLId ) a
Upvotes: 1
Views: 77
Reputation: 9002
You may use CTE to get max(Priloha2Id) per id. Then join to it.
Something like:
;with Pril2Formular_max_per_id as (
select ord.Id as OrdinaceId, max(pr.Priloha2Id) as max_Priloha2Id
from Ordinace ord
left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
left join Pril2Formular pr on pr.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id
group by ord.Id
select * from (select
distinct ord.Id as OrdinaceId,[![enter image description here][1]][1]
posk.ICO as Ico,
zar.ICZ as Icz,
posk.NazevZkraceny as Zkratka,
case when cle.Primariat = 0 then cle.Icp end as Icp,
IIF(cle.Primariat = 1, pri.OborKod , cle.OdbornostKod) as OdbornostKod,
ord.Nazev as OrdinaceNazev,
(select Street + N' ' + DescriptiveNo + N', ' + PostCode + N' ' + City from ICIS_Repl.repl.Address where Code = ord.NavAddressCode and Type = N'ORDINACE' and (ValidFrom is null or ValidFrom <= GETDATE()) and (ValidTill is null or ValidTill >= GETDATE() or ValidTill = N'1753-01-01 00:00:00')) as OrdinaceAdresaCela,
pril.Id as Priloha2Id,
cisP2KomunikaceStav.Nazev as EP2,
cisPzs.Nazev as StavPzp,
pril.PriPlatnostOd as PlatnostOd,
pril.PriPlatnostDo as PlatnostDo
from Ordinace ord
left join CleneniPzs cle on cle.Id = ord.CleneniPzsId
left join ZarizeniPZS zar on cle.ZarizeniPzsId = zar.Id
left join PoskytovatelZS posk on zar.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
left join Primariat pri on cle.PrimariatId = pri.Id
left join Pril2Formular_max_per_id pr on pr.OrdinaceId = ord.Id
left join Priloha2 pril on pril.Id = pr.max_Priloha2Id and (pril.PriPlatnostOd <= GETDATE() or pril.PriPlatnostOd is null) and (pril.PriPlatnostDo is null or pril.PriPlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
join CisCiselnik cisP2KomunikaceStav on posk.P2KomunikaceStavKod = cisP2KomunikaceStav.Kod AND cisP2KomunikaceStav.Oblast = N'P2KomunikaceStav' and cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo is null or cisP2KomunikaceStav.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join P2Formular form on form.Icp = cle.Icp and form.Aktivni = 1
left join CisCiselnik cisPzs on form.P2StavPzpKod = cisPzs.Kod AND cisPzs.Oblast = N'P2StavPZP' and cisPzs.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (cisPzs.PlatnostDo is null or cisPzs.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join P2ZarizeniPZS z on form.P2ZarizeniPzsId = z.Id and z.Icz = zar.ICZ and z.PoskytovatelZsId = posk.Id
join Smlouva smlv on smlv.Id = pril.SmlouvaId
left join SmluvniVykon smlVyk on smlVyk.CleneniPzsId = cle.Id and smlVyk.PlatnostOd <= GETDATE() and (smlVyk.PlatnostDo is null or smlVyk.PlatnostDo >= GETDATE())
left join SmlVykonVyjadreniRL vyjadreni on vyjadreni.Id = smlVyk.VyjadreniRLId ) a ;
Upvotes: 1