Reputation: 185
Currently i'm attempting to create a script to convert my json files to csv files. At the moment I'm receiving most of the data, but the issue i'm having is expanding out the "glyphs" field to add that data into the csv as well. Below is an example of the json currently. This is similar to what's already out there, but my problem is with the -depth that the convertfrom-json pulls. It's only going to two levels and I need it to go to four.
"nodes": [
"id": 23,
"type": "Group",
"label": "DOMAIN [email protected]",
"glyphs": {
"0": {
"position": "top-right",
"font": "\"Font Awesome 5 Free\"",
"content": "",
"fillColor": "black",
"fontScale": 1.5,
"fontStyle": "900"
"folded": {
"nodes": {},
"edges": {}
$user1 = $env:USERNAME
Get-Content C:\Users\$user1\Documents\json_to_convert.json |
convertfrom-json | select -ExpandProperty nodes |
Export-CSV C:\Users\$user1\Documents\jsonTest_$((Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yy')).csv -NoTypeInformation
So i'm just hoping to also input the "position", "font", "content", "fillColor", "fontScale", and "fontstyle" from "glyphs into my CSV file as well. Thos are the only fields i'm having trouble with.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1210
Reputation: 776
If you want to place the nested objects into separate CSV fields then you do have to think about how to represent that in a csv file. The below can be used to create custom properties that are calculated using an expression.
Get-Content C:\Users\$user1\Documents\json_to_convert.json | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -ExpandProperty nodes | `
Select -Property id,type,label, `
@{Name='Glyphs-position';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty position}},`
@{Name='Glyphs-font';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty font}},`
@{Name='Glyphs-content';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty content}},`
@{Name='Glyphs-fillColor';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty fillColor}},`
@{Name='Glyphs-fontScale';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty fontScale}},`
@{Name='Glyphs-fontStyle';Expression={$_.glyphs.0 | Select -ExpandProperty fontStyle}}`
| ConvertTo-Csv
This could probably be written more efficiently but it demonstrates how to get the values you are after. The resultant PowerShell object produced is
id : 23
type : Group
label : DOMAIN [email protected]
Glyphs-position : top-right
Glyphs-font : "Font Awesome 5 Free"
Glyphs-content :
Glyphs-fillColor : black
Glyphs-fontScale : 1.5
Glyphs-fontStyle : 900
and once converted to csv
"23","Group","DOMAIN [email protected]","top-right","""Font Awesome 5 Free""","","black","1.5","900"
Upvotes: 2