Reputation: 706
I want to grab info from my company's database, click the "export to excel" button (all of which works fine), and save the exports into a specific folder.
The first one works fine, saves, and then quits.
The second one does NOT. The second file TEST1 does not get deleted even though I get to the MsgBox following the delete command.
Then a gray Excel window pops up with no worksheets in it, then it disappears a second later, and the second exported sheet is still just sitting there.
I don't know what it thinks X2 is referring to if not the only open excel workbook. Do I need to somehow "really" quit X1 or something? It just seems to fail if I try to do TWO saveAs's.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;; generate an excel spreadsheet from our DB
Sleep 5000
X1 := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
X1.Visible := True
If FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx") {
MsgBox, "We found TEST"
FileDelete, "M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx"
X1.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx")
;; props
;; generate a 2nd excel spreadsheet from our DB
Sleep 5000
X2 := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
X2.Visible := True
If FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx") {
MsgBox, "We found TEST1"
FileDelete, "M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx"
MsgBox, "We apparently just deleted TEST1"
X2.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx")
WinActivate Act! Premium Plus - TenThirtyOneServices
WinWaitActive Act! Premium Plus - TenThirtyOneServices
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, 1172, 312
Sleep 1000
MouseMove, 1154, 688
Sleep 1000
Upvotes: 0
Views: 175
Reputation: 10543
Try something like this
;; generate an excel spreadsheet from our DB
Sleep 5000
X1 := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; create a new instance of Excel
X1.Visible := true ; make Excel visible
X1 := ComObjActive("Excel.Application") ; make Excel active
X1.Workbooks.Add() ; create a new blank workbook in the active instance
If FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx")
MsgBox, "We found TEST"
FileRecycle, M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx
Sleep 500
If !FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx")
MsgBox, "We just deleted TEST.xlsx"
MsgBox, "We could NOT delete TEST"
X1.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST.xlsx")
X1 := "" ; clear the variable
;; props
;; generate a 2nd excel spreadsheet from our DB
Sleep 5000
X2 := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; create a new instance of Excel
X2.Visible := true ; make Excel visible
X2.Workbooks.Add() ; create a new blank workbook in the active instance of Excel
X2 := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
X2.Visible := True
If FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx")
MsgBox, "We found TEST1"
FileRecycle, M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx
Sleep 500
If !FileExist("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx")
MsgBox, "We just deleted TEST1.xlsx"
MsgBox, "We could NOT delete TEST1.xlsx"
X2.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("M:\Current Users\aparisi\MaryFiles\TEST1.xlsx")
X2 := ""
; .....
Upvotes: 1