Reputation: 77
I am currently having some trouble elegantly handling nested record lists.
lets say we have the types:
type BoxEntry = {
flag : bool
type Box = {
entries : BoxEntry list
type Entry = {
boxes : Box list
type Model = {
recEntries : Entry list
Now lets say I want to set a specific boxentry bool I have the list indexes of Entry, Box and BoxEntry however I have only found this approach to work for me:
let handleUnsetEntry (model : Model) (idxs : string* int * int) =
let(sendId, bi, ej) = idxs
let nEntry =
|> x ->
if x.sendId = sendId then
{x with boxes =
x.boxes |> List.mapi (fun i y ->
if i = bi then
{y with boxEntry =
y.boxEntry |> List.mapi (fun j z ->
if j = ej then
{model with entries = nEntry}, Cmd.none
This is obviously a really silly solution both efficiency-wise as well as readability-wise. Is there another approach to this which is more elegant I feel like there surely must be but I am not getting it.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Views: 460
Reputation: 11577
In FP there's a pattern called Lens or Prism. It's kind of composable functional attributes to simplify handling of nested immutable structures.
Lenses/Prisms allows you to zoom in on a nested attribute and get/set it while preserving immutability (set returns a new object).
Lenses/Prisms doesn't really answer what to do IIRC with structures that contains lists but if we ignore that and "hack something" we could end up with something like this:
type Prism<'O, 'I> = P of ('O -> 'I option)*('O -> 'I -> 'O)
That is, a prism consists of two functions; a getter and a setter. The getter given an outer value returns the inner value if it exists. The setter creates a new outer value given a new inner value.
This allows us too define the commonly used fstL
and sndL
prisms that allows zooming on the first respectively the second part of a pair.
let fstL =
let g o = o |> fst |> Some
let s (_, s) i = (i, s)
P (g, s)
let sndL =
let g o = o |> snd |> Some
let s (f, _) i = (f, i)
P (g, s)
We also define a way to combine two prisms
// Combines two prisms into one
let combineL (P (lg, ls)) (P (rg, rs)) =
let g o =
match lg o with
| None -> None
| Some io -> rg io
let s o i =
match lg o with
| None -> o
| Some io -> ls o (rs io i)
P (g, s)
let (>->) l r = combine l r
Using this we can define a prism that allows zooming into a rather complex structure:
let l = sndL >-> sndL >-> fstL
let o = (1, (2, (3, 4)))
get l o |> printfn "%A" //Prints 3
let o = set l o 33
get l o |> printfn "%A" //Prints 33
Given the Model given by OP we extend it with Prisms static attributes
type BoxEntry =
flag : bool
member x.SetFlag = {x with flag = true}
// Prisms requires some boiler plate code, this could be generated
static member flagL =
let g (o : BoxEntry) = Some o.flag
let s (o : BoxEntry) i = { o with flag = i }
P (g, s)
Putting it all together we can rewrite the handle function to something like this:
let handleUnsetEntry (model : Model) (idxs : string* int * int) =
let (sendId, bi, ej) = idxs
// Builds a Prism to the nested flag
let nestedFlagL =
>-> Prism.listElementL (fun _ (e : Entry) -> e.sendId) sendId
>-> Entry.boxesL
>-> Prism.listElementAtL bi
>-> Box.boxEntryL
>-> Prism.listElementAtL ej
>-> BoxEntry.flagL
Prism.set nestedFlagL model true
Hope this gave OP some ideas on how one can handle nested immutable structures.
The full source code:
// A Prism is a composable optionally available property
// It consist of a getter function that given an outer object returns
// the inner object if it's there
// Also a setter function that allows setting the inner object
// (if there's a feasible place)
// In FP there are patterns called Lens and Prisms, this is kind of a bastard Prism
type Prism<'O, 'I> = P of ('O -> 'I option)*('O -> 'I -> 'O)
module Prism =
let get (P (g, _)) o = g o
let set (P (_, s)) o i = s o i
let fstL =
let g o = o |> fst |> Some
let s (_, s) i = (i, s)
P (g, s)
let sndL =
let g o = o |> snd |> Some
let s (f, _) i = (f, i)
P (g, s)
// Combines two prisms into one
let combineL (P (lg, ls)) (P (rg, rs)) =
let g o =
match lg o with
| None -> None
| Some io -> rg io
let s o i =
match lg o with
| None -> o
| Some io -> ls o (rs io i)
P (g, s)
// Creates a Prism for accessing a listElement
let listElementL sel k =
let g o =
|> List.mapi (fun i v -> (sel i v), v)
|> List.tryPick (fun (kk, vv) -> if k = kk then Some vv else None)
let s o i =
|> List.mapi (fun i v -> (sel i v), v)
|> (fun (kk, vv) -> if k = kk then i else vv)
P (g, s)
let listElementAtL i =
listElementL (fun j _ -> j) i
type Prism<'O, 'I> with
static member (>->) (l, r) = Prism.combineL l r
// Modified model to match the code in OPs post
type BoxEntry =
flag : bool
member x.SetFlag = {x with flag = true}
// Prisms requires some boiler plate code, this could be generated
static member flagL =
let g (o : BoxEntry) = Some o.flag
let s (o : BoxEntry) i = { o with flag = i }
P (g, s)
type Box =
boxEntry : BoxEntry list
static member boxEntryL =
let g (o : Box) = Some o.boxEntry
let s (o : Box) i = { o with boxEntry = i }
P (g, s)
type Entry =
sendId : string
boxes : Box list
static member sendIdL =
let g (o : Entry) = Some o.sendId
let s (o : Entry) i = { o with sendId = i }
P (g, s)
static member boxesL =
let g (o : Entry) = Some o.boxes
let s (o : Entry) i = { o with boxes = i }
P (g, s)
type Model =
entries : Entry list
static member entriesL =
let g (o : Model) = Some o.entries
let s (o : Model) i = { o with entries = i }
P (g, s)
let handleUnsetEntry (model : Model) (idxs : string* int * int) =
let (sendId, bi, ej) = idxs
// Builds a Prism to the nested flag
let nestedFlagL =
>-> Prism.listElementL (fun _ (e : Entry) -> e.sendId) sendId
>-> Entry.boxesL
>-> Prism.listElementAtL bi
>-> Box.boxEntryL
>-> Prism.listElementAtL ej
>-> BoxEntry.flagL
Prism.set nestedFlagL model true
let main argv =
let model : Model =
entries =
sendId = "123"
boxes =
boxEntry =
flag = false
flag = false
printfn "Before change"
printfn "%A" model
let model = handleUnsetEntry model ("123", 0, 0)
printfn "After 1st change"
printfn "%A" model
let model = handleUnsetEntry model ("123", 0, 1)
printfn "After 2nd change"
printfn "%A" model
let model = handleUnsetEntry model ("Hello?", 0, 1)
printfn "After missed change"
printfn "%A" model
Upvotes: 6