Reputation: 4840
I'm writing a function which uses the lenses library, but curiously, the code doesn't compile when I remove the type annotation.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (elemIndex)
data MyRecord = MyRecord { _someField :: [Int], _anotherField :: [String] }
makeLenses ''MyRecord
updateRecord :: Eq a => a -> Lens' b [a] -> (Int -> c) -> State b c
updateRecord elem lens f = do field <- view lens <$> get
case elemIndex elem field of
Just index -> return $ f index
Nothing -> do modify (over lens (++[elem]))
return . f $ length field
When I comment out the type signature for updateRecord
, I get this error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Const [a] s’ with ‘Identity s’
Expected type: ASetter s s [a] [a]
Actual type: Getting [a] s [a]
Why is the type signature required in this case?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 185
Reputation: 51239
The issue is that lens
is used in two contexts, view lens
, where it is required to have type:
Getting [a] s [a]
= ([a] -> Const [a] [a]) -> (s -> Const [a] s)
and over lens ...
where it is required to have type:
ASetter s s [a] [a]
= ([a] -> Identity [a]) -> (a -> Identity s)
Unfortunately, these types don't unify. (In particular, the rightmost parts of these types, Const [a] s
and Identity s
, don't unify, which is what the error message is saying.) When GHC tries to infer the type of lens
in typechecking updateRecord
without an explicit type signature, it infers the first type above for lens
based on its use in view
but then is unable to unify this with the second type that arises in over
However, even though the types don't unify, there is a higher rank polymorphic type that can be specialized to each one separately, namely:
Lens' s a
= Lens s s a a = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f s) -> (a -> f s)
As long as GHC can separately infer this type, say by means of an explicit type signature, it's able to unify this more general type with each of the uses.
This is just one of those things, a fundamental limitation of higher rank types. You can see the same phenomenon at work with a much smaller example. This function foo
doesn't typecheck:
foo f = (f 10, f "hello")
but add a type signature and it's fine:
foo :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (Int, String)
foo f = (f 10, f "hello")
Upvotes: 8