Reputation: 128
I wanted to make my password database more sequre encrypting the passwords with bcrypt. The thing is I do not know if it is important to split the hash returned by the method into different strings (-prefix-cost-salt-password-) in order to make it safer. Does it? The hash returned: $2y$10$/s1xHJ04qAY2CCs16BHdQ.VpzQjd3HSUGEsL6xiKrd.RQig7uFpZ.
And in that case, which columns should I create in my database table?
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Views: 258
Reputation: 88
You don't need to split the hashed password, why you want to do that? Just use the PHP native password hashing function: password_hash($user_password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost'=> 12])
and store the result inside the database.
Upvotes: 1