Reputation: 35
I'm just starting to learn to use Dash and currently have a chart up displaying user engagement on my website. However, I can't seem to figure out how to style Dash components when it comes to colors and the Dash documentation doesn't seem to have anything on the topic. How do I change a series' colors from the default blue/orange/green? The code for the graph in question is below`
'data': [
{'x': list(avg_df['day']), 'y': list(avg_df['countMessageIn']),
'type': 'bar', 'name': 'Incoming Messages from Users'},
{'x': list(avg_df['day']), 'y': list(avg_df['countMessageOut']),
'type': 'bar', 'name': 'Outgoing Message by Bot'},
'layout': {
'title': 'Average User-Bot Engagement by Day of Week',
'xaxis': {
'title': 'Day of the Week'
'yaxis': {
'title': 'Average Number of Messages'
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6894
Reputation: 3306
For bar
, you've got to add it to a key named marker
'data': [
{'x': list(avg_df['day']), 'y': list(avg_df['countMessageIn']),
'type': 'bar', 'name': 'Incoming Messages from Users'},
'marker' : { "color" : your_color_array}
{'x': list(avg_df['day']), 'y': list(avg_df['countMessageOut']),
'type': 'bar', 'name': 'Outgoing Message by Bot'},
'marker' : { "color" : your_color_array}
'layout': {
'title': 'Average User-Bot Engagement by Day of Week',
'xaxis': {
'title': 'Day of the Week',
'yaxis': {
'title': 'Average Number of Messages'
It seems they have done a lot of edit and you can also do this...
colors = ['lightslategray',] * 5
colors[1] = 'crimson'
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Bar(
x=['Feature A', 'Feature B', 'Feature C',
'Feature D', 'Feature E'],
y=[20, 14, 23, 25, 22],
marker_color=colors # marker color can be a single color value or an iterable
Upvotes: 3