Reputation: 21
From a rather complicated contract I have two .txt files. The files look as follows:
Hash: 5FD876CDF0FCFAF1E7F018F5A8519A7B
Path: /Users/foobar/Desktop/whatever.jpg
Hash: 0EDEFB152D489163E603F8C55F5463A7
Path: c:\Migration\Templates\script.exe
The goal here is, to compare File1 and File2 and find matching Hashes. After the matching hashes were found, output them (and the following path) into another .txt file.
I've googled the problem excessively, but most solutions are meant to find differences or are designed differently, my expertise in Powershell is not far enough to be able to rewrite them properly.
# pattern to match the Hashes from File2
$pattern = "^[a-f0-9]{32}$"
# read in File1 as an array to compare to
$set1 = Get-Content -Path 'C:\File1.txt'
# prepare to collect the results
$results = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
# start scanning the text2 file for matches to text1 entries
Get-Content -Path 'C:\File2.txt'
if ($_ -match $pattern)
$hashes = $Matches['hash']
if ($hashes -in $set1)
# output the results
$results.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath 'C:\output.txt' -Encoding ascii
Above code doesn't quite match far enough yet, I would require help in getting the finishing touches on it!
Thank you for reading my post!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 220
) and doesn't include the prefix Hash:
. (?sm)
in the pattern. I suggest to:
to get matching pairs, orGroup-Object
by the Hash and if more than 1 count per Group output the Group with all pathes.The following script extracts Hash/Path pairs from a given file and outputs them as a [PSCustomObject].
## Q:\Test\2019\07\20\SO_57124977.ps1
function Extract-HashPath($filename){
$Pattern = '(?sm)^Hash: (?<Hash>[0-9A-F]{32})(\r?\n)*Path: (?<Path>.*?)$'
((Get-Content $filename -raw) |
Select-String -Pattern $Pattern -AllMatches).Matches.Groups | ForEach-Object{
Set-Variable -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value
if ($_.Name -eq 'Path'){
Hash = $Hash
Path = $Path
$File1HashPath = Extract-HashPath '.\File1.txt'
$File2HashPath = Extract-HashPath '.\File2.txt'
Sample output with text from your above file (no comparable Hashes contained therein)
> Q:\Test\2019\07\20\SO_57124977.ps1 Hash Path ---- ---- 5FD876CDF0FCFAF1E7F018F5A8519A7B /Users/foobar/Desktop/whatever.jpg 0EDEFB152D489163E603F8C55F5463A7 c:\Migration\Templates\script.exe
Upvotes: 1