Reputation: 103
I am grouping leads data based on email and phone combination. And after getting the resultant data when I perform sorting data is not sorted either in ascending or descending order but it is sorting randomly. I am using node js and mongodb(mongoose) for achieving this.
I have swapped the positions of $sort operator and even then wrongly sorted results came.
return db.model('Lead').aggregate([
$facet: {
totalData: [
{ $match: queryObj },
{ $group: { _id: { email: "$email", phone: "$phone" }, count: { $sum: 1 }, leads: { $push: { _id: "$_id", name: "$name", firstName: "$firstName", lastName: "$lastName", email: "$email", project: "$project", list: "$list", assignee: "$assignee", phoneCode: "$phoneCode", phone: "$phone", createdAt: "$createdAt", updatedAt: "$updatedAt", utmSource: "$utmSource", source: "$source", unreadmembers: "$unreadmembers" } } } },
{ $sort: {updatedAt: -1} },
{ $skip: (page - 1) * count },
{ $limit: count }
totalCount: [
{ $match: queryObj },
{ $group: { _id: { email: "$email", phone: "$phone" } } },
{ $count: "leadsCount" }
]).collation({ locale: "en" }).allowDiskUse(true).exec((err, leadsData) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Error: ", err);
} else {
console.log("Data: ", leadsData);
I want data to be sorted by updatedAt field. Please help me in fixing this.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 332
Reputation: 323
In $facet use the limit and skip on top order of aggregation pipeline it will improve the performance of execution.
Sort the updatedAt after grouping.
{ $match: queryObj },
{ $skip: (page - 1) * count },
{ $limit: count }
{ $group: { _id: { email: "$email", phone: "$phone" }, count: { $sum: 1 }, leads:
{ $push: { _id: "$_id", name: "$name", firstName: "$firstName", lastName:
"$lastName", email: "$email", project: "$project", list: "$list", assignee:
"$assignee", phoneCode: "$phoneCode", phone: "$phone", createdAt:
"$createdAt", updatedAt: "$updatedAt", utmSource: "$utmSource", source:
"$source", unreadmembers: "$unreadmembers" } } }
{ $sort: { "leads.updatedAt": -1 } }
Upvotes: 1