Reputation: 21
I've got code as below and I would like to make an if statements [in new column, let's call it flag] on data test, where i could use macro defined quintiles [from proc univariate step 1 in macro]. In the end i would like to see if each record falls in defined quantiles or if not, flag should be something else.
I stopped on the step where I'm defining macro variables. How can I order SAS to define Q1 as pct10 which is output from proc univariate?
data test;
do x=1 to 100;
output; output;
example %quint(test,x,10 20 30 70)
%macro quint(input=,var=, pcts=);
/* calculate the cutpoints for the quintiles */
proc univariate data=&input;
var &var;
output out=quintile pctlpts=&pcts pctlpre=pct;
/* write the quintiles to macro variables */
data _null_;
set quintile;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pcts));
call symput(cats("Q",&i),cats("pct",%scan(&pcts,&i,' ')));
%put "&&Q&i";
there should be data test with new column flag based on macrovariables created from proc univariate Q1 to Qx
%mend quint;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 427
Reputation: 1295
Another way of doing this I guess:
This assumes that the percentiles are specified in ascending order - else it can give wrong results.
%macro quint(input=,var=, pcts=);
proc univariate data=&input noprint;
var &var;
output out=quintile pctlpts=&pcts pctlpre=pct;
%let ii = 1;
data pcts;
if _N_ = 1 then set quintile;
set &input;
%do %while (%scan(&pcts, &ii) ne );
%let q = %scan(&pcts, &ii);
%if &ii = 1 %then %do;
if x < pct&q then qunitile = &q;
%else %do;
else if x < pct&q then qunitile = &q;
%let ii = %eval(&ii + 1);
drop pct:;
proc print;
%mend quint;
%quint(input=test,var=x,pcts=10 20 30 70);
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Reputation: 51621
No need for macro variables. Just use the real variables generated by PROC UNIVARIATE.
%macro quint(input=,output=,invar=,outvar=, pcts=);
* calculate the cutpoints for the quintiles ;
proc univariate noprint data=&input;
var &invar;
output out=cutpoints pctlpts=&pcts pctlpre=__pct;
* Use cutpoints to calculate the RANK for each value ;
data &output ;
if _n_=1 then set cutpoints ;
array cutpoints __pct: ;
drop __pct: ;
set &input;
if missing(&invar) then &outvar=0;
else do &outvar=1 to dim(cutpoints) while(&invar>cutpoints[&outvar]); end;
%mend quint;
So using your example data we could call the macro like this:
%quint(input=test,output=want,invar=x,outvar=rank,pcts=10 20 30 70)
And to test it let's see what the min/max values of X got assigned to each "rank".
proc means n min max data=want nway;
class rank ;
var x;
Upvotes: 3