Reputation: 755
I am currently running a simple script which is intended to retrieve all the mailboxes a user has access to. My problem is that the first column (Identity) is being truncated and hence I cannot see the mailbox name. I tried various options such as -AutoSize, changing the $FormatEnumerationLimit =-1 to no avail.
$FormatEnumerationLimit =-1
Add-PSSnapin *Microsoft.Exchange*
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission -User username | Out-File C:\temp\test.txt
Identity User AccessRights IsInherited Deny
--------- ---- ------------ ----------- ----
domain/Mai... DOMAIN\username {FullAccess} False False
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3933
Reputation: 4634
... | Out-GridView <# Works only in Powershell ISE #>
Gives you Excel-like data grid wih basic search and filters. Can be CTRL+A
copied to Excel (without headers). Works only in Powershell ISE
... | Export-Csv -LiteralPath 'c:\File.csv' -Encoding UTF32 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
Gives you CSV file that is easily opened by Excel ( the magic of UTF32 and "`t" delimeters ). No need to make "Text to columns"
... | Format-Table -Autosize
gives you a table
... | Format-List
gives you multiline output
... | Select @( 'User', 'AccessRights', '*count*' ) | ...
Gives you ability to select only fields you need ( this is typed immediately before output function like Get-Mailbox | Select @('User', 'AccessRights') | Out-GridView
... | Foreach-Object {
$local:color = 'Green'
if ( -not $_.Enabled) { $local:color = 'Yellow' }
Write-Host "Username: $($_.samaccountname)" -f $local:color
Write-Host "Enabled: $($_.Enabled)" -f $local:color
Your own scriptblock gives you output freedom ;)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 103
Instead you can use the command below if you want to see the information only on console
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission -User username | format-list
or collect the output to a csv file
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission -User username | export-csv c:\test.csv -notype -force
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 655
Just for your reference, select the needed column using select query and pipe it the out-file/export-csv values and out to csv/txt file.
Get-Process | select id,ProcessName | Format-Table | Out-File -FilePath C:\Users\vinod\De
Upvotes: 1