Reputation: 3
i wrote an working XML-Saxparser a few weeks ago. For some reason, i don't know why, it isn't working anymore and i can't think of what i did on those classes.
when i look into the debugger, the last thing that works is URL url = new URL("");
the line xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));
seems to throw an IOException. The Details for "e" in the catch-clause says "UnknownHostException" or "Host is unresolved: ..." stackTrace: null.
As i said, i really don't know what happened, so i think i made a stupid misstake somewhere or i deleted a line. But i searched for hours now, i just can't find it. Hope somebody can help me.
Thanks a lot. Fabian
My Readerhelper looks as following
try {
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
handler = new Dokukmentenhandler();
URL url = new URL("");
xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));
// Textobjekte = handler.Textobjekte;
// Phasen_anzahl = handler.Phasen_Counter;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (SAXException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
and my handler
public void startDocument() throws SAXException
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String tagName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
// lege ein erstes dData objekt an
if (localName.equals("tData")) {
aktuell = new Textobjekt();
// damit das objekt existiert
currentVal = "";
// alle 4 Sensorarten werden abgefangen
if (localName.equals("Realer_Sensor")) {
realerSensor = true;
op = new Option();
}else if (localName.equals("Normalverteilung")) {
normalverteilung = true;
op = new Option();
op.Sensor_name= "Normalverteilung";
}else if (localName.equals("Bernoulliverteilung")) {
bernoulli = true;
op = new Option();
op.Sensor_name= "Bernoulliverteilung";
}else if (localName.equals("Gleichverteilung")) {
gleichverteilung = true;
op = new Option();
op.Sensor_name= "Gleichverteilung";
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String tagName) throws SAXException
if (localName.equals("Variablen_Name")) {
aktuell = new Textobjekt();
aktuell.Variablenname = currentVal;
}else if (localName.equals("Phasenanzahl")) {
Phasen_Counter = Integer.parseInt(currentVal);
}else if (localName.equals("Initialwert")) {
aktuell.Initialwert = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
// alle 4 Sensorarten werden abgefangen, die booleans geschlossen und die optionen hinzugefuegt
else if (localName.equals("Realer_Sensor")) {
realerSensor = false;
}else if (localName.equals("Normalverteilung")) {
normalverteilung = false;
}else if (localName.equals("Bernoulliverteilung")) {
bernoulli = false;
}else if (localName.equals("Gleichverteilung")) {
gleichverteilung = false;
else if (localName.equals("Sensor_Name")) {
op.Sensor_name = currentVal;
else if (localName.equals("Parameter")) {
if (realerSensor) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
}else if (localName.equals("Nu")) {
if (normalverteilung) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
}else if (localName.equals("sigma")) {
if (normalverteilung) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
else if (localName.equals("Pi")) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
else if (localName.equals("Untere_Wertegrenze")) {
if (gleichverteilung) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
else if (localName.equals("Obere_Wertegrenze")) {
if (gleichverteilung) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
// Ende der Optionenliste
else if (localName.equals("Eventvorkommen")) {
aktuell.Eventvorkommen = currentVal;
else if (localName.equals("Bezugsart")) {
aktuell.Bezugsart = currentVal;
else if (localName.equals("Eventart")) {
aktuell.Eventart = currentVal;
else if (localName.equals("Ueberschreitungswert")) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
aktuell.Ueberschreitungswert = f;
else if (localName.equals("Auswirkung")) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
aktuell.Auswirkung = f;
else if (localName.equals("Objektname")) {
re = new Referenz();
re.Objektname = currentVal;
else if (localName.equals("Referenzwert")) {
float f = Float.parseFloat(currentVal);
re.Referenzwert = f;
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {
if (length > 0) {
currentVal = new String(ch,start,length);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 656
Reputation: 11
Remember the internet user permissions in manifest..
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
Correction by Fabian:
it seemed like Phils answer was right(too?) it worked when i did as mentioned before(delete xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Objekteingabe.xsd) but that may be happened by accident. For everyone who has the same problem: Changing the test device is a good option.
i just got the same problem again, and starting another emulator solved my problem. sorry for confusion in here!!!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8639
Unless you've made changes while I'm typing this, the referenced URL & XSD files are correct, so not the problem (I can load them in my browser).
This is most likely to be a network connectivity issue on the test device, as it can't resolve a name for the host.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 30934
This sounds a lot like
can not be reached. Can you call that address from a browser?
If so, the 2nd option can be that the Parser sees
<Rahmeneingabe xmlns:xsi=""
and tries to load the XSD and fails.
Usually you should get the name of the host that it fails to resolve in the stack trace.
Upvotes: 0