Reputation: 17
I found the problem: I have to find a way to make swagger Codegen remove the "visible = true" part when it generates the java class. If i remove that manually it works. Problem is that the classes generate at compile-time and that modification will be overridden.
Stil need help!
Initial post:
I have the following:
a Reception entity class that has a List. Checkpoint is the base class, but it will only contain subclasses like Checkpoint1, Checkpoint2 etc.
a ReceptionCotroller that has an HTTP POST method mapped by "/receptions".
DTO classes for Reception and Checkpoints (Checkpoint base class, Checkpoint1, Checkpoint2 etc) generated with Swagger CodeGen openapi 3.0.2. using a yml file. The Checkpoint DTO has a discriminator field (in the yml file) named "dtype" so when deserializing the JSON into a Checkpoint, it knows what subclass it refers to.
The problem is when I add the property: = true, it does not recognize the "dtype" property and it fails. I want the application to fail when it encounters unknown properties, but to ignore the "dtype".
I've tried to add a dtype field (beside the discriminator definition) in the Checkpoint DTO but then the JSON that returns as a response has 2 dtype fields (one with the discriminator value, and one with null).
Reception and Checkpoint in yml file:
description: description1
type: object
type: integer
format: int64
description: Id of the reception.
type: array
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Checkpoint1'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/Checkpoint2'
propertyName: dtype
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Checkpoint'
description: List of checkpoints attached to this reception.
description: Checkpoint entity.
type: object
type: string
description: description1.
- checkpointId
- dtype
propertyName: dtype
Generated Checkpoint DTO class:
@ApiModel(description = "Checkpoint entity.")
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "dtype", visible = true )
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Checkpoint1.class, name = "Checkpoint1"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Checkpoint2.class, name = "Checkpoint2")
public class Checkpoint {
private String dtype = null;
private String checkpointId = null;
Json sent as request body:
"id": 123,
"checkpoints": [
"dtype": "Checkpoint1",
"checkpointId": "Checkpoint1"
It says that it does not recognize dtype field. I want it to create the appropriate Checkpoint object, but ignore that the Checkpoint DTO does not actually contain a dtype field in the generated class. I DO NOT want it to ignore OTHER unknown properties. For example: if i add another "fooBar" field in the JSON, I want it to fail.
Hope the information provided is ok to understand what my problem is. If not, I can give further information.
Many thanks in advance!! PS: Please ignore eventual syntax errors or typos, the code works and copiles correctly, but i don't know how to ignore ONLY the discriminator (dtype) property.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3889
Reputation: 503
There are two ways you could get this done.
First :
If you are allowed to change the auto generated java code, you can add the annotation @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = ["dtype"]) to all the classes that have discriminator fields like below.
@JsonIgnoreProperties(value = ["dtype"])
public class Checkpoint {
//your properties here
An example implementation : Use of JsonIgnoreProperties specific property deserialize properties exists only in JSON The question has a sample implementation
If you are not allowed to edit the autogenerated java code, you can use Jackson Mixins to ignore specific unwanted fields .
@JsonIgnoreProperties(value = ["dtype"])
public abstract class CheckpointMixin {}
and in your object mapper register this mixin for the target class like below :
I tried it out in kotlin and it worked as expected. Please ignore any syntactical inaccuraces.
Upvotes: 1