Reputation: 185
Currently I am pulling a list of emails from a SQL database, and storing these emails in a variable named $emaildata
. I'm attempting to filter out any email in $emaildata
from Active Directory. Right now no errors are popping up, but it's definitely not taking the emails out of the list that show up in the variable.
$ADUsers = Get-AdUser -Filter * -Properties SamAccountName, EmailAddress, Title, LastLogonDate, Name, GivenName, Surname, Company, Department, Country, EmployeeNumber, Enabled | Where {
($_.LastLogonDate -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)) -and
($_.LastLogonDate -ne $null) -and
($_.EmailAddress -ne $null) -and
($_.EmployeeNumber -like '1000*') -and
($_.Enabled -eq 'True') -and
($_.EmailAddress -ne $emaildata)
} | Select GivenName, Surname, EmailAddress, Title
$ADUsers | Export-Csv C:\Lists\MainList.csv -NoTypeInformation
So it's this piece of the code that I'm attempting to work on.
($_.EmailAddress -ne $emaildata)
I've been looking for quite some time and everything I try hasn't worked, so I was hoping you guys would be able to help me out. Thanks!
The data in $emaildata
looks like this
EmailAddress ------------ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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Views: 1784
Reputation: 4644
$emailDataStringList = @( $emailData | Foreach-Object { return $_.EmailAddress.Trim() } )
.... | Where-Object { ...
($_.EmailAddress -ne $null) -and
($_.EmailAddress -ne '') -and
($emailDataStringList -notcontains $_.EmailAddress)
Your $emailData
is not array of strings ( [string[]]
), it is array of objects with single property: EmailAddress
( according to your output ). There is many options to check if $adUser.EmailAddress is in list of $emailData, but simpliest is to convert array of objects to array of strings:
$emailDataStringList = @( $emailData | Foreach-Object { return $_.EmailAddress.Trim() } )
Sure there is a problem with Enabled
: You compare it as string, you should compare it as bool:
$_.Enabled -eq $true
Also here may be a problem with lastLogonDate
in -and
expressions should FIRST check for -ne $null
and only next step you can be sure there is a valid value to operate with. Otherwise you can hit strange behaviour with $null -comparsionOperator [DateTime]
($_.LastLogonDate -ne $null) -and
($_.LastLogonDate -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-30))
Also, set variable $dateToCheck = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-30)
and in Where-Object
expression compare $_.LastLogonDate -ge $dateToCheck
. This will be faster, powershell will compare LastLogonDate
with predefined value and it will not calculate new DateTime
each iteration.
According to Get-ADUser
you can use -LDAPFilter '(&(mail=*)(LastLogonTimeStamp=*))'
and throw away -ne $null
checks and minimize memory usage and network usage. LDAPFilter
and Filter
are processed server-side
Next, please, take an IMPORTANT note: There is no attribute LastLogonDate
attribute in AD. In Get-AD*
it is dynamically calculated from LastLogonTimeStamp
. LastLogonTimeStamp
is NOT replicated immediately - it is stored only on DC, who processed user logon and replicated to another DC only if another DC's value differs for more than ms-DS-Logon-Time-Sync-Interval
value ( 14 days default ). So, you should know about it: LastLogonDate
on your DC can be outdated for up to 14 days. ( See detailed explanation ). You MUST check each DC in your forest if you really need accurate LastLogonDate
. This is quite heavy and time-taking task.
Next, force Get-ADUser
and $... | Where { ... }
to be an array (use array conversion brackets @()
). Otherwise, you may get problems with your code when those expressions return single user or no users ($null
). Enclosing to @()
brackets, you guaranttee that your variable will be an array with 0, 1 or more elements.
Next, take a note please that you can hit timeout-like error here, because there is a timeout on Get-AD*
cmdlets and if expression after pipe takes much time, the Get-ADUser
will be terminated, pipe will be destroyed and you hit error.
Better store Get-ADUser
results into a variable and filter in a separate expression:
$attributes = @('samaccountname', 'lastlogondate', '.....')
$ADUsers = @( Get-ADUser -options.... -Properties $attributes )
$ADUsers = @( $ADUsers | Where-object { ... } )
$ADUsers | Select $attributes | Export-Csv -options...
P.S. Maybe there is whitespaces in your AD or Database. Use .Trim() in Where check:
$emailAddresses = @( $emailAddresses | Foreach-Object { return $_.Trim() } )
$... | Where { $emailAddresses -contains $_.EmailAddress.Trim() }
your code will be like this:
$dateToCheck = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-30)
$emailDataStringList = @( $emailData | Foreach-Object { return $_.EmailAddress.Trim() } )
$ADUserProperties = @('SamAccountName', 'EmailAddress', 'Title', 'LastLogonDate', 'Name', 'GivenName', 'Surname', 'Company', 'Department', 'Country', 'EmployeeNumber', 'Enabled')
$ADUserList = @( Get-AdUser -LDAPFilter '(&(mail=*)(LastLogonTimeStamp=*)(employeeNumber=1000*))' -Properties $ADUserProperties )
$ADuserList = @( $ADUserList |
Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq $True} | # This is simplies check, this should be first
Where-Object { $_.LastLogonDate -ge $dateToCheck } |
Where-Object { $emailDataStringList -notcontains $_.EmailAddress.Trim()} | # This is hardest cpu-taking check, this should be last
Select @('GivenName', 'Surname', 'EmailAddress', 'Title')
$ADuserList | Export-Csv C:\Lists\MainList.csv -NoTypeInformation
If you need more accurate LastLogonDate
, you should get ADUsers from EACH DC in your envinronment. Something like this:
$DCList = @(get-addomaincontroller -filter *)
$ADUserList = @( $DCList | ForEach-Object { Get-ADUser -Server $_.DNSName ... -properties @('SID', 'lastlogontimestamp', ...) } )
$ADUserList = @( $ADUserList | Sort-Object -Descending -Property 'lastlogontimestamp' | Sort-Object -Property 'SID' -Unique )
According to MS docs, -Unique
takes first object in the list, so it should take the most accurate LastLogonDate for each user
Upvotes: 1