Reputation: 5015
I have a string of numbers and I need to replace the first N digits of it using regex.
I tried the following code but it is not working:
String hideLastFourCharacters(String s){
final result = s.replaceAll(r"\\d{2}", '-');
return result;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4738
Reputation: 1893
Don't reinvent code if there is already a package for this :
Pub Dev :
Install :
basic_utils: ^1.5.1
Usage :
// Your case
String s = StringUtils.hidePartial(stringToHide, begin: 0, end: stringToHide.lengh - 4);
// Other examples
String s = StringUtils.hidePartial("1234567890");
print(s); // "*****67890"
String s = StringUtils.hidePartial("1234567890", begin: 2, end: 6);
print(s); // "12****7890"
String s = StringUtils.hidePartial("1234567890", begin: 1);
print(s); // "1****67890"
String s = StringUtils.hidePartial("1234567890", begin: 2, end: 14);
print(s); // "12********"
Other usefull methods from the StringUtils Class :
String defaultString(String str, {String defaultStr = ''});
bool isNullOrEmpty(String s);
bool isNotNullOrEmpty(String s);
String camelCaseToUpperUnderscore(String s);
String camelCaseToLowerUnderscore(String s);
bool isLowerCase(String s);
bool isUpperCase(String s);
bool isAscii(String s);
String capitalize(String s);
String reverse(String s);
int countChars(String s, String char, {bool caseSensitive = true});
bool isDigit(String s);
bool equalsIgnoreCase(String a, String b);
bool inList(String s, List<String> list, {bool ignoreCase = false});
bool isPalindrome(String s);
String hidePartial(String s, {int begin = 0, int end, String replace = "*"});
String addCharAtPosition(String s, String char, int position,{bool repeat = false});
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 20118
To replace only a given number of digits, you can use replaceFirst
var re = RegExp(r'\d{2}'); // replace two digits
print('123456789'.replaceFirst(re, '--')); // --3456789
If you need to replace all but the last n
given digits, you can use replaceAll
with negative lookahead:
var re = RegExp(r'\d(?!\d{0,2}$)'); // keep last 3 digits
print('123456789'.replaceAll(re, '-')); // ------789
Negative lookahead (?!
exclude matches followed by n-1 or less digits \d{0,2}
at the end $)
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11
You can do:
s = N*'-' + s[N:]
for the first N digits and:
s = s[:-N] + N*'-'
for the last N digits.
Nevermind, it was tagged as python at first
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5015
I found a temporary solution for this by using:
String hideLastFourCharacters(String s){
final lastTwoDigits = s.substring(s.length-2, s.length);
return lastTwoDigits.padLeft(9, '*');
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 760
One option is to remove the first N characters of the string, and then add N copies of '-' to the beginning.
This could be done like:
var result = s.substring(0, N);
return s.padLeft(s.length + N, '-');
Upvotes: 0