Reputation: 2189
I have an xml file details.xml and the xml file looks something like this,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm version="0.6" generator="Overpass API 8b86ff77">
<meta osm_base="2019-08-02T12:21:02Z"/>
<bounds minlat="19.0983000" minlon="72.8890000" maxlat="19.1184000" maxlon="72.9206000"/>
<node id="245670274" lat="19.1000660" lon="72.8961407" version="5" timestamp="2015-10-27T04:31:16Z" changeset="34895909" uid="3339404" user="Anushka&saroj">
<tag k="AND_a_nosr_p" v="10004762"/>
<tag k="name" v="Kulkarni Wadi"/>
<tag k="place" v="locality"/>
<tag k="source" v="AND"/>
<node id="245670576" lat="19.1030072" lon="72.8885419" version="4" timestamp="2017-11-22T06:20:01Z" changeset="53992152" uid="1306" user="PlaneMad">
<tag k="source" v="AND"/>
<node id="619199656" lat="19.1023916" lon="72.9200375" version="3" timestamp="2015-07-03T06:26:42Z" changeset="32379895" uid="2897305" user="Ashok09"/>
<way id="353138857" version="2" timestamp="2015-06-12T10:57:15Z" changeset="31917729" uid="2900596" user="harisha">
<nd ref="3589055782"/>
<nd ref="3589055908"/>
<nd ref="3589055924"/>
<nd ref="3589055914"/>
<nd ref="3589055921"/>
<nd ref="3589055916"/>
<nd ref="3589055922"/>
<nd ref="3589055909"/>
<nd ref="3589055913"/>
<nd ref="3589055904"/>
<nd ref="3589055782"/>
<tag k="building" v="yes"/>
I want to fetch all the information inside the 'node' tag and ignore all other things,
for examples in the above xml we have 3 'node' tag and I want all nested(if available else what is available) information from each tag.
The result should look like, if I store those info in a list,
v=[['10004762','Kulkarni Wadi','locality','AND'],['AND'],[]]
How to do it in most efficient way using python ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1366
Reputation: 92894
Extended solution:
import pprint
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree as ET
tree = ET().parse(source='input.xml')
nodes_data = {}
for node in tree.findall('./node'):
k = 'node_' + node.attrib['id'] # custom node key
nodes_data[k] = node.attrib
tag_attribs = list(zip(*[tag.attrib.items() for tag in list(node)]))
if not tag_attribs:
nodes_data[k].update({'k': [], 'v': []})
k_items, v_items = zip(*[tag.attrib.items() for tag in list(node)])
nodes_data[k].update({'k': [t[1] for t in k_items], 'v': [t[1] for t in v_items]})
Actual output:
{'node_245670274': {'changeset': '34895909',
'id': '245670274',
'k': ['AND_a_nosr_p', 'name', 'place', 'source'],
'lat': '19.1000660',
'lon': '72.8961407',
'timestamp': '2015-10-27T04:31:16Z',
'uid': '3339404',
'user': 'Anushka&saroj',
'v': ['10004762', 'Kulkarni Wadi', 'locality', 'AND'],
'version': '5'},
'node_245670576': {'changeset': '53992152',
'id': '245670576',
'k': ['source'],
'lat': '19.1030072',
'lon': '72.8885419',
'timestamp': '2017-11-22T06:20:01Z',
'uid': '1306',
'user': 'PlaneMad',
'v': ['AND'],
'version': '4'},
'node_619199656': {'changeset': '32379895',
'id': '619199656',
'k': [],
'lat': '19.1023916',
'lon': '72.9200375',
'timestamp': '2015-07-03T06:26:42Z',
'uid': '2897305',
'user': 'Ashok09',
'v': [],
'version': '3'}}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 24930
Try this:
import lxml.html
xml = [your xml above]
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(xml)
ids= tree.xpath('//node/@id')
lat = tree.xpath('//node/@lat')
lon = tree.xpath('//node/@lon')
k = tree.xpath('//node/tag/@k')
v = tree.xpath('//node/tag/@v')
['245670274', '245670576', '619199656']
['19.1000660', '19.1030072', '19.1023916']
['72.8961407', '72.8885419', '72.9200375']
['AND_a_nosr_p', 'name', 'place', 'source', 'source']
['10004762', 'Kulkarni Wadi', 'locality', 'AND', 'AND']
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 127
I would suggest using
I couldn’t get to parsing your copy of xml code. I think this copy has a tag closing problems. But in general I would use somthing like:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
tree = et.parse('PATH TO XML FILE')
root = tree.getroot()
ids = []
lat = []
for element in root.findall('node'):
id = element.attrib['id']
lat = element.attrib['lat']
Mind you that this code was not tested. If there are mistakes in it I apologies.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 408
You can use lxml
for the job.
It has a findall()
method which you can use.
Then you can iterate over it's attrib
and parse them into list
Upvotes: 0