Reputation: 3934
I am using the angular animation plugin ( ) in my application. Now I need a bounce when the array is to push or pop into service.
Here is my template
<h2 *ngIf="standalone" class="card-header h6 bg-transparent text-center">
{{ 'ideas.merge-cart.heading' | translate }}
<span *ngIf="service.ideas.length > 0" class="badge badge-primary badge-notify" [@bounceIn]>{{service.ideas.length}}</span>
Here construction
constructor(private ideaService: IdeaService, private timeService: TimeService, public mergeCartService: MergeCartService) {
Here is my animation
export const bounceIn = trigger('bounceIn', [
transition(':enter', [
style({ transform: 'scale(0.5)', opacity: 0 }),
animate('1s cubic-bezier(.8, -0.6, 0.2, 1.5)',
style({ transform: 'scale(1)', opacity: 1 }))
Add the bounce animation like
. Could you help how can I create a bounce when array is to push or pop? Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5234
Reputation: 1613
It easy enough with animation keyframes...
selector: 'app-animations',
template: `
<p>Play animation: <button (click)="bounceDivState='active'">Play</button></p>
<div [@bounceDiv]="bounceDivState"></div>
animations: [
trigger('bounceDiv', [
state('initial', style(divStyle)),
state('active', style(divStyle)),
transition('* => active', [
animate('2s', keyframes([
style({ transform: 'scale(1,1) translateY(0)' }),
style({ transform: 'scale(1.1, 0.9) translateY(0)' }),
style({ transform: 'scale(0.9, 1.1) translateY(-100px)' }),
style({ transform: 'scale(1.05, 0.95) translateY(0)' }),
style({ transform: 'scale(1,1) translateY(-7px)' }),
style({ transform: 'scale(1,1) translateY(0)' }),
export class AnimationsComponent {
bounceDivState = 'initial';
Upvotes: 4