
Reputation: 7563

How to provide custom capabilities on the selenium server?

I know that some selenium capabilities can be obtained with a method, one of them like this :


It returns the value of the browser name.

But if it refers to an available method, if I don't misunderstand it, this seems to be related to custom capabilities, like this I mean :

driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("something ?");

Returns: The value, or null if not set.

get capabilities

So, I've tried to make a simple code to get the value I mean.

    private RemoteWebDriver driver;
    private URL url;
    private DesiredCapabilities dc = new DesiredCapabilities();

    public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
        url = new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub");
        dc.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, BrowserType.CHROME);
        //this is custom capability i mean
        dc.setCapability("testName", "Login");
        driver = new RemoteWebDriver(url, dc);
    public void test() {
        some code.....
    public void tearDown() {
        System.out.println("Browser Name : "+ driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("browserName"));
        System.out.println("Test Name : "+ driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("testName"));

With json, server log say :

Capabilities are: {
  "browserName": "chrome",
  "testName": "Login"

server log

But i get a null value.

How to the right setup ? How do you make our server provide the capabilities testName I mean? and can be obtained with driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("testName");

Current result Browser Name : chrome Test Name : null

Expected result Browser Name : chrome Test Name : Login

Thanks advance

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Views: 5697

Answers (2)


Reputation: 1088

It sounds like what you're looking for is how to add a custom capability to your Grid configuration. This is possible, but requires several steps.

First, you need to build a capability matcher. The matcher will be its own project, importing the Selenium-Server and Selenium-Java libraries as dependencies. You'll need a single class that extends org.openqa.grid.internal.utils.DefaultCapabilityMatcher, and overrides the matches() method with your own logic to determine whether or not a node possesses the desired capability. When complete, you'll build this project and generate a jar file.

Second, you'll need to attach your new matcher to your Grid Hub. I store my matcher jars in the same directory as my selenium-server-standalone jar, and I alter my normal launch command to accommodate the matcher.

java -cp <custom-matcher>-1.0.0.jar;selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher -role hub -hubConfig hubConfig.json

In my hubConfig.json, I had to add two lines to the JSON to wire in the matcher:

  "capabilityMatcher": "",
  "throwOnCapabilityNotPresent": true,

Third, you'll need to configure your nodes to accept the new capability. If you're using JSON to also configure your nodes, it's just as simple as adding a new line for your capability:

"capabilityName": "foo"

That's pretty much it. It's also worth noting that DesiredCapabilities does have a capability called applicationName, which is left as a user-definable value. Depending on your specific use case, you might be able to leverage this capability in place of adding something new.

I found a sample repo on Github a while back when I was learning this process myself. It's a basic setup, but it illustrates the steps above pretty well. It should give you a great starting point for your own implementation.

Upvotes: 1

undetected Selenium
undetected Selenium

Reputation: 193108

You can extract the WebDriver Capabilities e.g. Browser Name, Browser Version, Platform Name, etc using either of the following solutions:

  • Using direct APIs:

    • Code Block:

      System.out.println("Class Name is : "+((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getClass().toString());
      System.out.println("Browser Name is : "+((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getBrowserName().toLowerCase());
      System.out.println("Browser Version is : "+((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getVersion().toString());
      System.out.println("Platform Name is : "+((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getPlatform().toString());
    • Console Output:

      Class Name is : class org.openqa.selenium.MutableCapabilities
      Browser Name is : firefox
      Browser Version is : 67.0
      Platform Name is : WINDOWS
  • Using getCapability():

    • Code Block:

      Capabilities cap = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities();
      System.out.println("acceptInsecureCerts value is: "+cap.getCapability("acceptInsecureCerts"));
      System.out.println("Browser Name is : "+cap.getBrowserName());
      System.out.println("Browser version is : "+cap.getVersion());           
      System.out.println("Platform is : "+cap.getPlatform().toString());
      System.out.println("javascriptEnabled value is: "+cap.getCapability("javascriptEnabled"));
      System.out.println("moz:accessibilityChecks value is: "+cap.getCapability("moz:accessibilityChecks"));
      System.out.println("moz:buildID value is: "+cap.getCapability("moz:buildID"));
      System.out.println("geckodriverVersion value is: "+cap.getCapability("geckodriverVersion"));
      System.out.println("Headless Mozilla value is: "+((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getCapability("moz:headless"));
      System.out.println("moz:headless value is: "+cap.getCapability("moz:headless"));
      System.out.println("Mozilla Profile value is : "+ ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getCapability("moz:profile"));
      System.out.println("moz:processID value is : "+cap.getCapability("moz:processID"));
      System.out.println("moz:profile value is : "+cap.getCapability("moz:profile"));
      System.out.println("moz:shutdownTimeout value is : "+cap.getCapability("moz:shutdownTimeout"));
      System.out.println("moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin value is : "+cap.getCapability("moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin"));
      System.out.println("moz:webdriverClick value is : "+cap.getCapability("moz:webdriverClick"));
      System.out.println("pageLoadStrategy value is : "+cap.getCapability("pageLoadStrategy"));
      System.out.println("Platform is : "+cap.getPlatform().toString());
      System.out.println("platformName value is : "+cap.getCapability("platformName"));
      System.out.println("platformVersion value is : "+cap.getCapability("platformVersion"));
      System.out.println("rotatable value is : "+cap.getCapability("rotatable"));
      System.out.println("setWindowRect value is : "+cap.getCapability("setWindowRect"));
      System.out.println("strictFileInteractability value is : "+cap.getCapability("strictFileInteractability"));
      System.out.println("timeouts values are : "+cap.getCapability("timeouts"));
      System.out.println("unhandledPromptBehavior value is : "+cap.getCapability("unhandledPromptBehavior"));
    • Console Output:

      acceptInsecureCerts value is: true
      Browser Name is : firefox
      Browser version is : 67.0
      Platform is : WINDOWS
      javascriptEnabled value is: true
      moz:accessibilityChecks value is: false
      moz:buildID value is: 20190516215225
      geckodriverVersion value is: null
      Headless Mozilla value is: false
      moz:headless value is: false
      Mozilla Profile value is : C:\Users\Debanjan.B\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile.7HI7QUtzF1YP
      moz:processID value is : 7308
      moz:profile value is : C:\Users\Debanjan.B\AppData\Local\Temp\rust_mozprofile.7HI7QUtzF1YP
      moz:shutdownTimeout value is : 60000
      moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin value is : false
      moz:webdriverClick value is : true
      pageLoadStrategy value is : normal
      Platform is : WINDOWS
      platformName value is : WINDOWS
      platformVersion value is : 6.2
      rotatable value is : false
      setWindowRect value is : true
      strictFileInteractability value is : false
      timeouts values are : {implicit=0, pageLoad=300000, script=30000}
      unhandledPromptBehavior value is : dismiss and notify

You can find the list of the supported capabilities in the Capabilities section within the WebDriver W3C Recommendation

Upvotes: 1

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