Reputation: 3
I am trying to compare data across two sheets in the same workbook. First sheet has a list of individual addresses and the second has a list of address ranges where one column is the starting address range and the second column is the ending address range. for example
123 main st
230 main st
456 main st
100 200 main st
400 500 main st
How do I find if an individual address falls within an address range? I have the below code that matches on the street name, but I need to add the criteria for the street number falling within that address range, otherwise it's not a match. In this example, sheet1 rows 1 and 3 is a match and sheet1 row 2 is not a match.
Sub matchcolumns()
Dim I, total, fRow As Integer
Dim found As Range
total = Sheets(1).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
For I = 2 To total
answer1 = Worksheets(2).Range("A" & I).Value
Set found = Sheets(1).Columns("H:H").Find(what:=answer1) 'finds a match
If Not found Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "MATCH"
Debug.Print "NO MATCH"
End If
Next I
End Sub
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Views: 794
Reputation: 1275
@Mikku thanks I read the data as poorly formatted columns ... not as a single column. My mistake. Here is the updated code to work on single column data. I've made simplistic assumptions on data types (and left street numbers as strings given I've no idea on how they might really be structured) etc ... but works with the data examples used in question:
Option Explicit
Public Sub check()
Dim vDataSheet As Worksheet
Dim vDataRow As Long
Dim vStreetNumber As String
Dim vStreetName As String
Dim vRefSheet As Worksheet
Dim vRefRow As Long
Dim vFromNumber As String
Dim vToNumber As String
Dim vFirstSpace As Long
Dim vSecondspace As Long
Dim vRefName As String
Dim vFound As Boolean
Set vDataSheet = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set vRefSheet = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
vDataRow = 1
While vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1) <> ""
vStreetNumber = Left(vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1), InStr(1, vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1), " ") - 1)
vStreetName = Right(vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1), Len(vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1)) - InStr(1, vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1), " "))
vFound = False
vRefRow = 1
While vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1) <> "" And Not vFound
vFirstSpace = InStr(1, vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1), " ")
vFromNumber = Left(vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1), vFirstSpace - 1)
vSecondspace = InStr(vFirstSpace + 1, vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1), " ")
vToNumber = Mid(vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1), vFirstSpace + 1, vSecondspace - vFirstSpace - 1)
vRefName = Right(vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1), Len(vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1)) - vSecondspace)
If vStreetNumber >= vFromNumber And vStreetNumber <= vToNumber And _
vStreetName = vRefName Then
vFound = True
End If
vRefRow = vRefRow + 1
If vFound Then
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 2) = "MATCH"
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 2) = "NO MATCH"
End If
vDataRow = vDataRow + 1
End Sub
Reference data on Sheet2
Matching outcome on Sheet1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1275
Loop through Sheet1 and check whether it exists in Sheet2. In this instance, MATCH or NO MATCH is written in the third column. Cheers.
Option Explicit
Public Sub check()
Dim vDataSheet As Worksheet
Dim vDataRow As Long
Dim vRefSheet As Worksheet
Dim vRefRow As Long
Dim vFound As Boolean
Set vDataSheet = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set vRefSheet = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
vDataRow = 1
While vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1) <> ""
vFound = False
vRefRow = 1
While vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1) <> "" And Not vFound
If vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1) >= vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 1) And _
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 1) <= vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 2) And _
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 2) = vRefSheet.Cells(vRefRow, 3) Then
vFound = True
End If
vRefRow = vRefRow + 1
If vFound Then
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 3) = "MATCH"
vDataSheet.Cells(vDataRow, 3) = "NO MATCH"
End If
vDataRow = vDataRow + 1
End Sub
Sheet1 Before
Sheet1 After
Upvotes: 1