Reputation: 6470
I have created two modular programs. One is JavaFX modular project that contains
module checker {
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires TextInputProgram; // Btw, IDEA shows me here "Ambiguous module reference"
exports sample;
opens sample;
Another Maven project that contains
module TextInputProgram {
requires selenium.api;
So, I added modular maven project as external jar into JavaFX (via Project Structure in libs and in module-info via requires
I specified jar). Also I added variable that contains external jar for compilation (in addition to PATH_TO_FX
set EXTERNAL_JAR="...\out\artifacts\TextInputProgram_jar"
But when I'm trying to compile the project via command:
dir /s /b src\*.java > sources.txt & javac --module-path %EXTERNAL_JAR%;%PATH_TO_FX% -d mods/checker @sources.txt & del sources.txt
following this tutorial
I'm getting from JavaFX project class the error:
\src\sample\ error: package project is not visible
import project.SeleniumProgram;
(package project is declared in module TextInputProgram, which does not export it)
1 error
Package is declared in module which does not export it
import project.SeleniumProgram
I imported in JavaFX project to use classes from external jar.
If I add exports project;
inside of maven project then I see the error in JavaFX
If I delete
requires TextInputProgram;
then I have another error from import:
Am I missing something here? I'm trying to get executable Jar of these two programs.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 24209
Reputation: 45476
As discussed throughout the comments, there are a few possible issues here:
Module definition
Local jars and dependencies
Based on the modular projects posted, I'll create a small demo multi-modular project to explain both problems.
Using your IDE, create a Maven project, then add two modules, TextInputProgram
and checker
, like:
Parent pom
TextInputProgram pom
module TextInputProgram {
requires selenium.api;
exports project to checker;
Checker pom
module checker {
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires TextInputProgram;
opens sample to javafx.fxml;
exports sample;
(Code of both modules is irrelevant at this point).
Now note that you have to add this in the TextInputProgram
module descriptor:
exports project to checker;
if you want to let checker
module to access TextInputProgram
's project
This will solve this error:
package project is declared in module TextInputProgram, which does not export it
Also, note that I've included this dependency in the checker
Even having two modules, under the same parent, you need to include the dependency from one module to the other. Otherwise this will fail (module not found):
requires TextInputProgram;
You can run mvn clean install
in the TextInputProgram
module, to install org.openjfx:TextInputProgram:1.0-SNAPSHOT
in your local repository .m2
Then you can run mvn clean javafx:run
int the checker module
, to run the GUI project.
It is worth mentioning that it is not a good idea to combine both maven dependencies with jar files. If you end up using both, you will get this error:
Module 'checker' reads 'project' from both 'TextInputProgram' and 'TextInputProgram'
This message means that there are two modules in the module path with the exact same name, one the maven dependency, the other one, the jar artifact.
In order to distribute your project and modules, it is better to use the maven approach, and avoid having jar files in lib folders. Later on your modules will be published as separated artifacts, and you won't need to modify your pom files (other than to update the version numbers).
Upvotes: 5