Reputation: 43
I'm working with ARKit and trying to get camera position from QR code with known size (0.16m). To detect QR code I'am using Vision framework so i can get each corner point on image.
Data preparation:
let intrinsics =
let imageResolution =
let imagePointsArray = [NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.topLeft), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.topRight), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.bottomLeft), NSValue(cgPoint: visionResult.bottomRight)]
let intrinsicsArray = (0..<3).flatMap { x in (0..<3).map { y in NSNumber(value: intrinsics[x][y]) } }
let squareLength = NSNumber(value: 0.16)
let res = OpenCVWrapper.findPose(imagePointsArray, intrinsics: intrinsicsArray, size: imageResolution, squareLength: squareLength)
To get camera position I'm using OpenCV solution solvePnP() with flag = SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE
OpenCV in Objective-C++ based on this answer:
+(Pose)findPose: (NSArray<NSValue *> *) imagePoints
intrinsics: (NSArray<NSNumber *> *) intrinsics
imageResolution: (CGSize) imageResolution
squareLength: (NSNumber *) squareLength {
cv::Mat distCoeffs(4,1,cv::DataType<double>::type, 0.0);
cv::Mat rvec(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::Mat tvec(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = [self intrinsicMatrixWithArray:intrinsics];
vector<Point2f> cvImagePoints = [self convertImagePoints:imagePoints toSize: imageResolution];
vector<Point3f> cvObjectPoints = [self getObjectPointsWithSquareLength:squareLength];
std::cout << "object points: \n" << cvObjectPoints << std::endl;
std::cout << "image points: \n" << cvImagePoints << std::endl;
std::cout << "cameraMatrix points: \n" << cameraMatrix << std::endl;
cv::solvePnP(cvObjectPoints, cvImagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, false, SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE);
std::cout << "rvec: \n" << rvec << std::endl;
std::cout << "tvec: \n" << tvec << std::endl;
cv::Mat RotX(3, 3, cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::setIdentity(RotX);<double>(4) = -1; //cos(180) = -1<double>(8) = -1;
cv::Mat R;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R);
R = R.t(); // rotation of inverse
Mat rvecConverted;
Rodrigues(R, rvecConverted); //
std::cout << "rvec in world coords:\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
rvecConverted = RotX * rvecConverted;
std::cout << "rvec scenekit :\n" << rvecConverted << std::endl;
Mat tvecConverted = -R * tvec;
std::cout << "tvec in world coords:\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
tvecConverted = RotX * tvecConverted;
std::cout << "tvec scenekit :\n" << tvecConverted << std::endl;
SCNVector4 rotationVector = SCNVector4Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2), norm(rvecConverted));
SCNVector3 translationVector = SCNVector3Make(<double>(0),<double>(1),<double>(2));
return Pose{rotationVector, translationVector};
+ (vector<Point3f>) getObjectPointsWithSquareLength: (NSNumber*) squareLength {
vector<Point3f> points;
double squareLengthDouble = [squareLength doubleValue];
points.push_back(Point3f(-squareLengthDouble/2, squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(squareLengthDouble/2, squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(squareLengthDouble/2, -squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
points.push_back(Point3f(-squareLengthDouble/2, -squareLengthDouble/2, 0));
return points;
+ (vector<Point2f>) convertImagePoints: (NSArray<NSValue *> *) array
toSize: (CGSize) size {
vector<Point2f> points;
for (NSValue * value in array) {
CGPoint point = [value CGPointValue];
points.push_back(Point2f((point.x * size.width), (point.y * size.height)));
return points;
+ (cv::Mat) intrinsicMatrixWithArray: (NSArray<NSNumber *> *) intrinsics {
Mat result(3,3,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::setIdentity(result);<double>(0) = [intrinsics[0] doubleValue]; //fx<double>(4) = [intrinsics[4] doubleValue]; //fy<double>(2) = [intrinsics[6] doubleValue]; //cx<double>(5) = [intrinsics[7] doubleValue]; //cy<double>(8) = [intrinsics[8] doubleValue]; //1
return result;
The problem is when I point camera directly to QR code with 2 meters distance, the result of translationVector.z (tvec scenekit) should be equal to 2 meters, but instead there is a random positive or negative numbers.
Calculated distance to QR 2.0856588
object points:
[-0.079999998, 0.079999998, 0;
0.079999998, 0.079999998, 0;
0.079999998, -0.079999998, 0;
-0.079999998, -0.079999998, 0]
image points:
[795.98724, 717.27045;
684.5592, 715.80487;
793.31567, 826.06146;
684.40692, 824.39771]
cameraMatrix points:
[1454.490478515625, 0, 935.6685791015625;
0, 1454.490478515625, 717.999267578125;
0, 0, 1]
rvec in world coords:
rvec scenekit :
tvec in world coords:
tvec scenekit :
Thanks for any help
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3643
Reputation: 2517
The estimated translation between the camera and the tag is not correct. The tz
is negative which is physically not possible. See here for the details about the camera coordinates system.
You have to be sure that each 3D object point matches with the corresponding 2D image point.
If I plot the 2D coordinates, I have the following image:
With RGBM the order of the points.
If you swap the last two image points, you should get:
rvec: [0.1217246105180353, 0.1224686744740433, -3.116495036698598]
tvec: [-0.2866576939480562, 0.07760414675470864, 2.127895748451679]
Upvotes: 2