
Reputation: 9281

How to map all interaction models of RSocket in Spring Boot

There are 4 interaction models provided in RSocket.

Spring(and Spring Boot) provides RSocket integration, it is easy to build a RSocket server with the existing messaging infrastructure to hide the original RSocket APIs.

    public Mono<Void> hello(Greeting p) {
        log.info("received: {} at {}", p, Instant.now());
        return Mono.empty();

    public Mono<String> greet(@DestinationVariable String name, @Payload Greeting p) {
        log.info("received: {}, {} at {}", name, p, Instant.now());
        return Mono.just("Hello " + name + ", " + p.getMessage() + " at " + Instant.now());

    public Flux<String> greetStream(@Payload Greeting p) {
        log.info("received:  {} at {}", p, Instant.now());
        return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
                .map(i -> "Hello #" + i + "," + p.getMessage() + " at " + Instant.now());

And in the client side, there is a RescoketRequester provided to shake hands with the server.

    Mono<Void> hello() {
        return this.requester.route("hello").data(new Greeting("Welcome to Rsocket")).send();

    Mono<String> greet(@PathVariable String name) {
        return this.requester.route("greet." + name).data(new Greeting("Welcome to Rsocket")).retrieveMono(String.class);

    @GetMapping(value = "stream", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
    Flux<String> greetStream() {
        return this.requester.route("greet-stream").data(new Greeting("Welcome to Rsocket"))
                .doOnNext(msg -> log.info("received messages::" + msg));

But how to use requestChannel and metadataPush model in Spring way(using messaging infrastructure)?

The sample codes is on Github. Update: added requestChannel sample.

Update: SETUP and METADATA_PUSH can be handled by @ConnectMapping. And Spring Security RSocket can secure SETUP and REQUEST.

Upvotes: 6

Views: 1098

Answers (1)

Reference example

For a reference example, let's refer to the client-to-server integration tests and, in particular, to the ServerController class: spring-framework/RSocketClientToServerIntegrationTests.java (line 200) at 6d7bf8050fe710c5253e6032233021d5e025e1d5 · spring-projects/spring-framework · GitHub.

This commit has been mentioned in the release notes:



Spring Framework 5.2.0.M1 available now.

Channel interaction model

The corresponding code part of the reference example:

Flux<String> echoChannel(Flux<String> payloads) {
    return payloads.delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(10)).map(payload -> payload + " async");

Metadata push

It seems that, currently, it is not supported by the @MessageMapping annotation.

Upvotes: 3

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