Reputation: 20362
I am looking at the link below.
We are supposed to have the ability to use wildcard characters in folder paths and file names. If we click on the 'Activity' and click 'Source', we see this view.
I would like to loop through months any days, so it should be something like this view.
Of course that doesn't actually work. I'm getting errors that read: ErrorCode: 'PathNotFound'. Message: 'The specified path does not exist.'. How can I get the tool to recursively iterate through all files in all folders, given a specific pattern of strings in a file path and file name? Thanks.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 28256
Reputation: 818
I would like to loop through months any days
Let's start the process one by one:
Note: This parameters can be passed from the output of other activities as well if needed. Reference: Parameters in ADF
2. Create two datasets.
2.1 Sink Dataset - Blob Storage here. Link it with your Linked Service and provide the container name (make sure it is existing). Again if needed, it can be passed as parameters.
2.2 Source Dataset - Blob Storage here again or depends as per your need. Link it with your Linked Service and provide the container name (make sure it is existing). Again if needed, it can be passed as parameters.
1. The folder path decides the path to copy the data. If the container does not exists, the activity will create for you and if the file already exists the file will get overwritten by default.
2. Pass the parameters in the dataset if you want to build the output path dynamically. Here i have created two parameters for dataset named monthcopy and datacopy.
3. Create Copy Activity in the pipeline.
Wildcard Folder Path:
The path will become as: current-yyyy/month-passed/day-passed/* (the * will take any folder on one level)
"name": "pipeline2",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"name": "Copy Data1",
"type": "Copy",
"dependsOn": [],
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false,
"secureInput": false
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"source": {
"type": "DelimitedTextSource",
"storeSettings": {
"type": "AzureBlobStorageReadSettings",
"recursive": true,
"wildcardFolderPath": {
"value": "@{concat(formatDateTime(adddays(utcnow(),-1),'yyyy'),'/',string(pipeline().parameters.month),'/',string(pipeline(),'/*')}",
"type": "Expression"
"wildcardFileName": "*.csv",
"enablePartitionDiscovery": false
"formatSettings": {
"type": "DelimitedTextReadSettings"
"sink": {
"type": "DelimitedTextSink",
"storeSettings": {
"type": "AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings"
"formatSettings": {
"type": "DelimitedTextWriteSettings",
"quoteAllText": true,
"fileExtension": ".csv"
"enableStaging": false
"inputs": [
"referenceName": "DelimitedText1",
"type": "DatasetReference"
"outputs": [
"referenceName": "DelimitedText2",
"type": "DatasetReference",
"parameters": {
"monthcopy": {
"value": "@pipeline().parameters.month",
"type": "Expression"
"datacopy": {
"value": "@pipeline()",
"type": "Expression"
"parameters": {
"month": {
"type": "string"
"day": {
"type": "string"
"annotations": []
"name": "DelimitedText1",
"properties": {
"linkedServiceName": {
"referenceName": "AzureBlobStorage1",
"type": "LinkedServiceReference"
"annotations": [],
"type": "DelimitedText",
"typeProperties": {
"location": {
"type": "AzureBlobStorageLocation",
"container": "corpdata"
"columnDelimiter": ",",
"escapeChar": "\\",
"quoteChar": "\""
"schema": []
"name": "DelimitedText2",
"properties": {
"linkedServiceName": {
"referenceName": "AzureBlobStorage1",
"type": "LinkedServiceReference"
"parameters": {
"monthcopy": {
"type": "string"
"datacopy": {
"type": "string"
"annotations": [],
"type": "DelimitedText",
"typeProperties": {
"location": {
"type": "AzureBlobStorageLocation",
"folderPath": {
"value": "@concat(formatDateTime(adddays(utcnow(),-1),'yyyy'),dataset().monthcopy,'/',dataset().datacopy)",
"type": "Expression"
"container": "copycorpdata"
"columnDelimiter": ",",
"escapeChar": "\\",
"quoteChar": "\""
"schema": []
Upvotes: 7