Reputation: 47
There are a ton of tutorials regarding Spring Boot, JAX-RS, and Swagger. However, most of them seem to use the OpenAPI 2 specification. I only found one tutorial that uses Spring, JAX-RS, and OpenAPI 3.0 (that tutorial used Apache CXF).
Do any other Spring Boot + JAX-RS implementations work with OpenAPI 3.0? For example, all tutorials with Jersey only seem to output OpenAPI 2.0. Apache CXF is fine for what I'm doing but I would like to know if there are options.
Springdoc-openapi supports spring boot and OpenAPI 3.0, unsure about jaxrs.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5734
Reputation: 58
Since 1.6, isDisplayQueryParams() has been removed from SwaggerUiConfigProperties but this solution works :
Principle :
1) GET /swagger-ui/index.html
2) GET /v3/api-docs/swagger-config
[Response body]
configUrl: "/v3/api-docs/swagger-config"
oauth2RedirectUrl: "(...)"
operationsSorter: "method"
url: "/api/openapi.json" // <=> springdoc.swagger-ui.url
validatorUrl: ""
3) GET /api/openapi.json
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 175
Adding an answer because I can't comment or edit.
Question: when I try to load the swagger-ui.html, it redirected to /swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/api/openapi.json/swagger-config However, there's nothing for swagger-config. Am I missing any configuration?
I had that problem as well. I was able to fix it by adding the following property to my
The problem is weird and somehow the solution is even weirder. But hey, it works!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 101
You can use Swagger to generate an OpenAPI 3.0 together with Spring Boot and JAX-RS by doing the following:
, swagger-core
, swagger-annotations
and swagger-jaxrs
in pom.xml
and configure the packages to scan for JAX-RS annotations and register the OpenAPIResource.class
of Swagger.sprindoc-openapi-ui
if you want to access Swagger via /swagger-ui.html
.1) Dependencies in pom.xml
Current swagger-version
is 2.1.0
There is a conflict with springdoc-openapi-ui
and swagger-jaxrs2
, which leads to an error with io.github.classgraph
so this library must be excluded from swagger-jaxrs2
2: Extending ResourceConfig
public class JaxRsConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JaxRsConfig() {
// register resources
The JAX-RS annotated resources must be scanned by calling packages("com.example.jaxrs.resources")
Be careful, not to confuse with the register
The OpenApiResource.class
comes from Swagger and offers the /openapi.json
The reason why I use /api
as @ApplicationPath
is, that when using it together with springdoc-openapi-ui
, the swagger-ui.html
endpoint is not found when the @ApplicationPath
is set to "/". It seems that something is getting overwritten in this case. Maybe someone has an explanation for this.
3) Swagger Annotations
@Schema(name = "Message", description = "This is an object to place a message.")
public class MessageDto {
@Schema(name="Message", required = true)
private String message;
public MessageDto(String message) {
this.message = message;
// ... getters and setters
4) Configuring SpringDoc
By default, you should be able to call /swagger-ui.html
to open Swagger and browse your OpenAPI 3.0 definition.
Since the @ApplicationPath
is set to /api
, we need to configure SpringDoc where to look for the definition by setting a property in
You can also change the URL of Swagger with:
Other issues:
Another issue may arise, when running the application as a .jar
Spring boot application won't run when trying to run from the jar file
In this case I've found a solution by scanning all the components with a reflection library like org.reflections
like so:
private void scan(String... packages) {
for (String packageName : packages) {
Reflections reflections = new Reflections(packageName);
reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Provider.class).parallelStream().forEach(clazz -> register(clazz));
reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Path.class).parallelStream().forEach(clazz -> register(clazz));
Upvotes: 10