Reputation: 1197
parsing fields(eg-master:String="") works but what if this was inside another case class like case class Job(SparkArgs) given below, and I need to parse JobArgs
case class SparkArgs(master: String)
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[SparkArgs]("testing") {
head("spark-example", "2.11")
opt[String]('c', "master").required().valueName("spark-master").
action((x, c) => c.copy(master = x)).
text("Setting master is required")
parser.parse(args, SparkArgs()) match {
case Some(config) =>
// do stuff
case None => // failed
//I am able to parse master above by >> run --master=local[2]
//Now how to parse if there are case class as parameters instead of String and Int and also those fields needs to be parsed,say scopt.OptionParser[JobArgs]
//eg -
case class JobArgs(sparkArgs: SparkArgs, kafkaArgs: KafkaArgs)
case class KafkaArgs(
kafkaPORT: String="",
checkpointPath: String="src/main/resources/checkpoints"
case class SparkArgs(master: String = "")
//I tried-
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[JobArgs]("testing") {
head("spark-example", "2.11")
//Now how to parse all those fields which are master and kafkaPORT here
//and run similarly as>> run --master=local[2] --kafkaPORT=localhost:9092
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1316
Reputation: 106
How about something like:
case class JobArgs(sparkArgs: SparkArgs = SparkArgs(), kafkaArgs: KafkaArgs = KafkaArgs())
case class KafkaArgs(
kafkaPORT: String = "",
checkpointPath: String = "src/main/resources/checkpoints"
case class SparkArgs(master: String = "")
object StackoverFlow {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[JobArgs]("testing") {
head("spark-example", "2.11")
.action((master, c) => c.copy(sparkArgs = SparkArgs(master)))
.text("All necessary benchmark topics get created.")
.action((kafkaPort, c) => c.copy(kafkaArgs = KafkaArgs(kafkaPort)))
parser.parse(args, JobArgs()) match {
case Some(c) => println(c)
case _ => sys.exit(1)
Executing it with the arguments --master FCM --kafkaPort 1965
leads to the following output:
In case you also want to pass the checkpointPath
, you can achieve this via:
case class JobArgs(sparkArgs: SparkArgs = SparkArgs(), kafkaArgs: KafkaArgs = KafkaArgs())
case class KafkaArgs(
kafkaPORT: String = "",
checkpointPath: String = "src/main/resources/checkpoints"
case class SparkArgs(master: String = "")
object StackoverFlow {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[JobArgs]("testing") {
head("spark-example", "2.11")
.action((master, c) => c.copy(sparkArgs = SparkArgs(master)))
.text("All necessary benchmark topics get created.")
.action((kafkaPort, c) => c.copy(kafkaArgs = KafkaArgs()))
opt[String]('p', "port")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(kafkaArgs = c.kafkaArgs.copy(kafkaPORT = x))),
opt[String]('c', "checkpointPath")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(kafkaArgs = c.kafkaArgs.copy(checkpointPath = x)))
parser.parse(args, JobArgs()) match {
case Some(c) => println(c)
case _ => sys.exit(1)
Correspondingly, executing it with the following parameters:
--master FC --kafka --port 1965 --checkpointPath Mag/de/burg
leads to the following output:
Upvotes: 4