Reputation: 673
I am completely confused by Twitter streaming API behavior. I created a simple stream with a 1 follow for "ESPN:
and get this tweet ( see attached) . which is a retweet, but the original is "ESPN FC" , not "ESPN"
what the heck is going on here ? Why does twitter streaming API return this status ?
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"18091004" } ] }, "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "created_at": "Wed Aug 21 14:19:49 +0000 2019", "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, "source": "<a href=\ "\" rel=\ "nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\/a>",
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"created_at": "Wed Aug 21 10:57:04 +0000 2019",
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Upvotes: 1
Views: 107
Reputation: 4048
This is not really an answer but an observation. Twitter appears to link all accounts that begin with ESPN.
Type this URL into a browser It will forward you to the original tweet at
The same occurs with non-ESPN user "ESPNSUCKS"
And also with XESPN which is a suspended account
Upvotes: 1