
Reputation: 73

ionic image upload failing due to npm or cordova

Since a few weeks I got stuck on the Ionic file upload. I used the following tutorial: https://devdactic.com/ionic-4-image-upload-storage/ . Everything looks good, up until the moment the user wants to upload the image. When clicking the Upload button, the server sends the "File upload failed" message back. I created an entirely new project in which I also followed the tutorial and I got the file upload to work like a charm. The frustrating part is I cannot seem to find what the cause of the problem is in my original project. I have compared NPM packages and Cordova plugins - thinking a version mismatch or something like that would be the problem - but without success.

My question: what could be the cause of this? Where should I look for the error when the code is exactly the same (copy-pasted from the tutorial), NPM is up to date and the necessary cordova plugins are installed. Is it possible that my original project has a package installed that does not work along with another package?

If relevant, the links to the package.json of the original (non-working project) and the package.json of the working project.

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Upvotes: 0

Views: 82

Answers (1)


Reputation: 73

What I completely forgot and rather did not pay attention to because I was oblivious of its relevance is the HttpInterceptor I had installed into my project way earlier. Commenting its interference out made the file upload work like a charm... Wow.

I literally had code in there applying the application/json header to any call that did not have the Content type header. So yea... Problem found.


Upvotes: 1

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