Reputation: 2119
I'm trying to use scipy curve_fit method to fit to an oscillating data. Unfortunately I have 8 parameters, and the dimension can't be reduced (or I don't see a way). This is the function to fit:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def cosFitForCFF(x,c0, c1, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5):
Function for fit.
c0, c1, b0 irrelevant parameters
b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 are the important parameters
return c0 + c1*np.cos(b0+b1*x+b2*x**2+b3*x**3+b4*x**4+b5*x**5)
The first 3 parameters are irrelevant, I need the last 5 to proceed calculations.
I have a function which reads the input and does the fitting with all the options I can provide(initial parameters, bounds):
def CFFMethod(initSpectrumX, initSpectrumY, referenceArmY, sampleArmY,
p0=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], referencePoint = 2.5):
Phase modulated cosine function fit method. p0 is the array containing inital parameters for fitting.
referencePoint is some point in initSpectrumX
#best bounds I can provide
bounds=((-1, -1, -1, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf),
(1, 1, 1, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf))
#reading inputs
if len(initSpectrumY) > 0 and len(referenceArmY) > 0 and len(sampleArmY) > 0:
Ydata = (initSpectrumY-referenceArmY-sampleArmY)/(2*np.sqrt(referenceArmY*sampleArmY))
Ydata = np.asarray(Ydata)
elif len(initSpectrumY) == 0:
raise ValueError('Please load the spectrum!\n')
elif len(referenceArmY) == 0 or len(sampleArmY) == 0:
Ydata = np.asarray(initSpectrumY)
Xdata = initSpectrumX-referencePoint
Xdata = np.asarray(Xdata)
#end of reading inputs
popt, pcov = curve_fit(cosFitForCFF, Xdata, Ydata, p0, maxfev = 5000, bounds = bounds)
fig1 = plt.figure()
fig1.canvas.set_window_title('Cosine function fit method')
plt.plot(Xdata, Ydata,'r-',label = 'dataset')
plt.plot(Xdata, cosFitForCFF(Xdata, *popt),'k*', label = 'fitted')
return popt
except Exception as e:
Even if I generate synthetic data with the function I get wrong results.
xs = np.linspace(2.5, 3, 1000)
ys = cosFitForCFF(xs, 0, 1, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0)
params = [0, 1, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0] #exact same that was generated
reference = 2.7 # some point in the data, irrelevant
result = CFFMethod(xs, ys, [],[], p0 = params, referencePoint = reference)
#outputs to:
#[-5.12643151e-01 1.00000000e+00 9.99999995e-01 2.05339754e-01
# 1.01356470e+01 -3.83963354e+01 -3.53998314e+02 1.33074662e+03]
I know that curve_fit is struggling with too many parameters, that's why I needed to set maxfev higher.
And this is not even close to the real-world-like dataset, which can be noisy, etc.
Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Maybe I should search for another algorithm? The fitted function must be in that from I defined above, because this way the dispersion coefficients(which I need to find) are related to b1,b2.. I really appreciate any help/improvement on the code.
After disabling the referencePoint it fits perfectly, but only the generated datasets. Fitting to real dataset still leads to wrong results. Here is the updated function:
def CFFMethod(initSpectrumX, initSpectrumY, referenceArmY, sampleArmY, p0=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]):
Phase modulated cosine function fit method. p0 is the array containing inital parameters for fitting.
referencePoint is some point in initSpectrumX
#provided bounds
bounds=((-1, -1, -1, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf), (1, 1, 1, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf))
#reading inputs
if len(initSpectrumY) > 0 and len(referenceArmY) > 0 and len(sampleArmY) > 0:
Ydata = (initSpectrumY-referenceArmY-sampleArmY)/(2*np.sqrt(referenceArmY*sampleArmY))
Ydata = np.asarray(Ydata)
elif len(initSpectrumY) == 0:
raise ValueError('Please load the spectrum!\n')
elif len(referenceArmY) == 0 or len(sampleArmY) == 0:
Ydata = np.asarray(initSpectrumY)
Xdata = np.asarray(initSpectrumX)
#end of reading inputs
popt, pcov = curve_fit(cosFitForCFF, Xdata, Ydata, p0, maxfev = 5000, bounds = bounds)
fig1 = plt.figure()
fig1.canvas.set_window_title('Cosine function fit method')
plt.plot(Xdata, Ydata,'r-',label = 'dataset')
plt.plot(Xdata, cosFitForCFF(Xdata, *popt),'k*', label = 'fitted')
return popt
except Exception as e:
I provide dataset generator there:
def _ensureInput(start, stop, center, resolution):
if start >= stop:
raise ValueError('start value must be less than stop')
if center < start or center > stop:
raise ValueError('center must be between start and stop')
if resolution > (stop-start):
raise ValueError('resolution is too big')
def _disp(x ,GD=0, GDD=0, TOD=0, FOD=0, QOD=0):
return x*GD+(GDD/2)*x**2+(TOD/6)*x**3+(FOD/24)*x**4+(QOD/120)*x**5
def generatorFreq(start, stop, center ,delay, GD=0, GDD=0, TOD=0, FOD=0, QOD=0, resolution = 0.1,
delimiter =',',pulseWidth = 0.02, includeArms = False):
_ensureInput(start, stop, center, resolution)
c = 299.793
deltaL = delay
omega0 = center
window = pulseWidth
lamend = (2*np.pi*c)/start
lamstart = (2*np.pi*c)/stop
lam = np.arange(lamstart, lamend+resolution, resolution)
omega = (2*np.pi*c)/lam
relom = omega-omega0
i1 = np.exp(-(relom)**2/(window))
i2 = np.exp(-(relom)**2/(window))
i = i1 + i2 + 2*np.cos(_disp(relom,GD=GD, GDD= GDD, TOD=TOD, FOD=FOD, QOD=QOD)+2*deltaL*omega/c)*np.sqrt(i1*i2)
if includeArms:
return omega, i, i1, i2
return omega, i, np.array([]), np.array([])
## using the generator to make a dataset
a,b,c,d = generatorFreq(2 ,3, 2.5, 0, GD = 0, GDD = 200, TOD = 4000, FOD = 0, QOD = 0, resolution = 0.1, delimiter = ',', pulseWidth = 0.02, includeArms = True)
# fit to data
result = CFFMethod(a, b, c,d , p0 = [0, 1, 0, 0, 200, 4000, 0, 0])
You can see now with copy-pasting, curve_fit fails to produce good results.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 466
Reputation: 4647
I have a suggestion as a possible path out of the difficulty. It should be easier to fit a small subset of the data than to fit the entire data set - and when that works, those parameters can be used as the initial parameter estimates for a larger data subset, and so on. Here is your code modified as follows to use the first 50 data points:
Xdata = Xdata[:50]
Ydata = Ydata[:50]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(cosFitForCFF, Xdata, Ydata, p0, maxfev = 5000, bounds = bounds)
with the following result:
Upvotes: 1