Reputation: 1
I have a Oracle OCI Kubernetes Cluster. I tested a sample nginx with Loadbalancer and it works fine and can access externally. Now I have a DB & Weblogic docker container image on my Local machine(not on cluster nodes). When I try to deploy them I get an error saying it is not found in registry. I haven't uploaded the image to registry. My question is, is there a way to directly reference the image on my local box running kubectl and deploy it ?
sample nginx works
root@docker-forms-ubuntu:/docker/kubernetes# docker images
oracle/database 190ad0c5e1c8 46 hours ago 6.12GB
localhost/oracle/formsreports cd673b530298 3 days ago 14.7GB
oracle/fmw-infrastructure a167bf2e519e 3 days ago 6.29GB
oracle/serverjdk 8 f34272b9b150 3 days ago 642MB 331e9a596394 3 days ago 6.12GB
nginx latest 5a3221f0137b 9 days ago 126MB
oraclelinux 7-slim 874477adb545 2 weeks ago 118MB
oraclelinux latest 5f993b1aafe5 2 weeks ago 235MB
hello-world latest fce289e99eb9 7 months ago 1.84kB
Normal Scheduled 22s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/database-7d95f6774f-bl55h to
Normal BackOff 19s (x2 over 20s) kubelet, Back-off pulling image "oracle/database:"
Warning Failed 19s (x2 over 20s) kubelet, Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal Pulling 5s (x2 over 21s) kubelet, pulling image "oracle/database:"
Warning Failed 4s (x2 over 21s) kubelet, Failed to pull image "oracle/database:": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = pull access denied for oracle/database, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
Warning Failed 4s (x2 over 21s) kubelet, Error: ErrImagePull
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Views: 185
Reputation: 991
Well if it is for testing purposes use docker save then use scp
to copy to node(s) then set imagePullPolicy
to Never
. But just don't use that for production, use a container registry and if you don't have any, use this helm chart to deploy one to your cluster it'll be private.
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Reputation: 159998
is there a way to directly reference the image on my local box
No. You all but have to be running or have access to a Docker registry server to use Kubernetes.
You can't directly download things from other systems' Docker daemons. Kubernetes doesn't even store images within the cluster: when a pod spec has an image:
, each individual node that runs it separately goes off and retrieves the image content. The upshot of this is that you have to upload your image to somewhere, so that the Kubernetes nodes can download it, and that "somewhere" is a Docker registry service (Docker Hub, a privately-run registry, cloud services like Amazon ECR, ...).
The various Kubernetes-on-your-workstation installations (minikube, kind, ...) generally have some way to either directly use the Kubernetes node's Docker daemon or upload an image into "the cluster", but that doesn't sound like the situation you have.
Upvotes: 1